Falling Broomsticks

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The next morning you woke up with sunlight pondering over your face from Gin's window. She was still fast asleep but you chose to get ready and went downstairs to help Mrs. Weasley with the breakfast. Surprisingly she was out in the field next door while Percy was having Breakfast. You wished him good morning and sat beside him at the table. 

"Good Morning Perce". "Very Good morning to you too PIXIE". He was wearing a three-piece business suit and was looking really fresh. You asked -"So, Ministry treating you well?" " Yes, I am the second special assistant to the assistant of the Minister." You replied," Well, I am really glad for you. (And he was getting ready to leave) Good Luck ". "Thanks, Pixie"

As soon as Percy left from the backdoor of the kitchen entered Mr. Dragon Weasley, but he look rather pale and tired. You wished him good morning but couldn't resist asking " Are you alright Charlie?". 

" Ya, I am good just had a long day at work or should rather say a long night." 

"Merlin, Are you coming from Romania right now?".

Charlie-"You are really catching on with magical slangs". 

Pixie-"Well thank you ....but... anyways how was work?

 Charlie-" These are mad times and the dragons are needed to be watched at night. So it was more like watching a movie. I didn't need to do anything but just a bit strolling and watching." (He tiredly sat on the kitchen table and started pouring water into a glass.)

 Pixie-" You must be really tired by now, Shall I make you some tea and sandwiches. Mrs. Weasley is out in the field. I think she is having a rough time with the chickens." 

Charlie half smirking and with the same sweet and mocking tone from yesterday-" Oh, no! Please I don't like to trouble our very prestigious guest of honor."

Pixie-"Wow, guest of honor is that my new nickname. Between it is no trouble making tea for Mr. Dragon Weasley anyways...(Y/N made such an innocent face)".Charlie was just blank for a few moments and then with his actual rather kind voice-" I think I can do with some tea"Pixie-"Perfect". 

After drinking some tea and chatting a bit about his work, Charlie went to his room to get some rest and Mrs. Weasley came back from the field. She was smiling and was very proud of feeding the chickens all by herself. She was really amused as you made sandwiches. And just admit it you are not a bad cook, your food was actually admissable. 

While she told you that there is still another hour for Gin and Ron to wake up and from Ron from leaving for work. (You just don't know why the words that Ron will leave for work were sounding hilariously funny to you). Suddenly Ron came rushing from his room and down the staircase. He was half-dressed and his hair was messier than Harry's. 

He gave frightening looks to you and Mrs. Weasley and started saying something while half yelling half-sleeping. "They are going to kill me, Fred and George will kill me they asked me to come up two hours early as they have to leave for the meeting with a muggle client."

Mrs. Weasley and you started laughing at his dilemmas while he just took a handful of flew powder and vanished. Ginny woke up from hearing him yelling.

 You both spend the day completing homework, talking about her new boyfriend and how much she was amused that Luna fancies our Neville. You two really concluded that they were a match made in heaven. While Ron and Hermoine were the biggest gits in the world. The topic did deviate towards you and how you almost dated Draco Malfoy.

About Mr. Draco Malfoy- he had left his father's house and too worked in Diagon Alley. As soon as he was asked to betray Dumbledore, he was done being on the bad side. You both got nostalgic that how he informed you all in time about Voldemort's plan of luring Harry to the Ministry. And that there was a big battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort. While Dumbledore used the killing curse on weak Voldemort and he perished. How all Voldemort's supporters again ran back in hiding. 

But Dumbledore did tell Harry that Voldemort will return in a  couple of years. But both of you thought it was just too good a day to talk about Voldemort. She also read you a mail Snuffles send to Mr. Weasley that he was happy and currently on a world tour with Moony and his niece Dora. 

Getting back to Draco Malfoy, he had always been kind to you for unknown reasons and when he left his home he came to visit you and told you how happy he was to have this new life. Because it was you who made him realize that if he thinks he is on the wrong side, so he must do what his heart tells him to.

You told Gin- "He came to meet me as he considers me his friend that doesn't mean he likes me or wants to date me in any way." 

Gin teased-" Oh my god are you really blushing?". 

You rolled your eyes at her and told her that this chapter has long been closed. But you still had to keep your promise and went flying with her on her new broomsticks when Ron came back home from work(It still sounds funny:))All three of you were flying very high and suddenly you and Ron started having a race about who can fly the highest. 

Since you really lack any good experience with brooms you started to lose control over your broomsticks. In another moment you started to fall while Ron was very far from you. Fear started to kick in, you were trying to remember the exact spell to make this stop. But couldn't. You came very near the ground when your broom started to act weird and with very little distance from the ground started moving in weird directions.

You thought someone jinxed it but Ron and Ginny are underaged, just then Charlie came and grabbed you. You both fell on the ground but he wrapped his arms around you, so you weren't hurt.

He stood up, helped you get up while you felt dizzy and unable to speak. He scolded Ron and Ginny for being unaware while it was really not their fault. Your eyes were closed as you were half unconscious with the dizziness. Charlie carried you in. 

After you open your eyes again you could hear Charlie and Mrs. Weasley scolding the twins for leaving jinxed broomsticks at home. You woke up with a jolt and mustered all your strength to stand and gently told them that it happened just by chance. And that it is okay because you were fine. 

Mrs. Weasley gave you Ron and Ginny dinner while everyone else chatted about their daily work. You could see Charlie seeing you from the corner of your eyes, he glanced at you and you told him with a look that you are fine and he doesn't need to worry. Yet again he kinda understood and wished you good night.

 Ronald, you, and Ginny went upstairs to Ron's room to hang out. They both played a couple of rounds of wizard's cards while you laid on the beanie bag in his room. Then suddenly Ron said "So what is up with you and Charlie. And just so you know I don't have any right but he is my brother." You were confused about what he was saying. 

Gin quickly added- "I know you guys became really good friends last summer at Grimmauld Place and how said you were when he left without saying any goodbye to you. But this time I think you guys are hitting it off."

 It felt like a heavyweight landed on your heart and you started defending with words-" No guys you are just overthinking we are just good friends or you know what, better off acquaintances." 

To which Ron chuckled and said "Don't get mad we are just pulling your leg because Charlie took really good care of you. Like as soon as he brought you inside. He made you drink water while you were passing out in his arms(Ron was literally at his best when he was teasing). He usually never get that mad over little pranks but he really scolded Fred bad."You just felt bad" Did he really scold them that bad". 

Ginny was gushing over you- "oh! sweetheart, they almost killed you with that broomstick and you are so kind. I just feel like crying(and she started making mockingly crying noises)". 

You all spent the rest of the night laughing and playing with your pets who just came from there 2 nights strolling. They returned with numerous letters from all your friends. You just couldn't wait to open them and read. With this, every day at the burrow seemed like a new trail of ever-lasting events and fun. You really miss Harry and Hermonie and wish they were there too. 

You went to your room and while you saw Ginny snoring, you were too falling asleep while you thought that how was Malfoy doing?

With the thought of him working at Leaky Cauldron which you would have initially found funny. Was making you feel sorry for the blonde you once considered an enemy.

(( Hey Guys, Please comment on how you feel about this chapter. All suggestions are very much welcome. Thank you for reading:))

CHARLIE WEASLEYxREADEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora