He work 10 hours a day 5 days a week with Saturday and Sunday off, he had a 2 weeks off after each seasons. His salary is kinda low for a professional player but that's currently because the team is not strong yet, also, Mamoru's salary is definitely higher than the rest of his team because he work more.

Kuudere (Kanou Ruuka)

Occupation : Vet Expert

Ruka's work hours varies and can change depend on the emergencies and patients, sometimes he loft around in his office, other times he run here and there from one patients to another, and other times he goes to a farm or zoo to taking care of big animals that cannot be taken to the hospital.

The place he work at is the largest animal hospital in the prefecture so there's a lot of work around and it's also not rare that he had to work with his parents as doctor's assistance for a big surgeries and for the famous recognition that animal unusually tame around Ruka and his father.

He got some day off, but that day off had 50-50 change of getting cancelled because some emergencies calls. Sure he got a hefty salary from his work but Ruka being Ruka, he doesn't care about the paycheck, he just want to kidnap you then sleep somewhere people can't find him.

But maybe because he is being a "Blessed Child" He doesn't have the heart to actually abandoned the animals in need, but that sometimes actually take a toll on Kei's mind.

So sometimes, he practically beg his parents to let him go for a day without distraction especially during YOUR day off, and fortunately his parents understand their son really well and tried their best to do so.

When he successfully got it, he immediately go to your house, and because it's already happened a few times, you actually had some of Ruka's clothes in your room so when he came he can shower and change clothes in your house, maximazing your time together.

Himedere (Minami Kei)

Occupation : CEO/Head of Company

As the new head of the Minami family, since day 1 Kei become very busy, drown in documents and files he need to read and sign.

Every single person approach him with a fake smile and Kei also had to do the same for business, his first year of being the CEO, Kei is so busy because he doesn't take any secretary, Kei doesn't trust anyone that trying to be his secretary, he doesn't want any of his father's people to be around him.

And despite Hide helping him, Hide is a butler and already pretty old so he doesn't have the knowledge nor the stamina to became a proper secretary and that actually make your time with him kinda limited, sure you two still call and chat with rach other everyday but you two online meet around twice or three times a month and it highly depend on Kei's schedule.

Kei is as sweet as always when it's about you and your date, but every single time ever since he become the CEO, he had an exhausted face despite he smiling at you, you had told him to just take some rest instead but he persistent that it's must be a date when you two finally can meet.

So you often initiated a date at your house and let Kei using your body as bodypillow which he happily accept and in matter of second he will go to the dream world, you glad that he find your company soothing but that mean you can't move until he wake up.

Fortunately though, a year later he finally take someone as his secretary, someone he trust even since high school and his graduation from college had been waited by Kei, so the day he finish college, Kei immediately recruit him and that make his schedule more free for you.

Yandere (Hijiri Naoto)

Occupation : Police Detective

Naoto get silent and study everything, the victim, his family, the room, the blood, everything.

A murder in a closed room, locked from the inside with a way out, the one killed is the wive of a very rich business man, the one who found the madam is the maid who start to felt worried after the madam doesn't come since dinner until lunch next day and doesn't reply when called.

The whole family cried when they know the madam died, her husband, 3 sons, and in laws. Ever since Nao get inside the room he already know who is the culprit, what method they use and the one help them. Naoto only need the evidence.

Naoto sigh and get out of the room and let the medic take the body for autopsy, today's job going to take some time to be done, and not gonna lie, the smell of blood brings back bad memories.

Sadodere (Suzuki Renji)

Occupation : Head of Yakuza, Hacker.

Renji is currently inside a black car with a high tech customized laptop, hacking the cctv of a big house owned by another clan and he had earpiece that link to his spies inside the house.

He study the situation and command the spy, their target is the son "Toya turn right, someone's there hide at the corner there's a room, don't come out until my command, Kazuki are you done rewire the electricity?" Renji said as he keep hacking to avoid detection.

"A little more" Kazuki replied.

"Finish it in 30 second, Hinabi, Jun are you at the point?" Renji asked.

There's a reply of 2 "thump thump" Meaning they said yes but cannot talk.

"Good, Toya go to your spot" Renji said.

"On it" He replied as he comes out of the room and start fast walking to his spot.

Renji heard a small clicking sound then Kazuki said "Done, ready for the hack"

Renji immediately hacking the electricity and say "Okay, everyone ready in 3... 2... 1..."

The electricity in the house immediately down and the light is out giving his spies to kidnap the clan head's son and ran away discreetly, the butler and maid tried to fix the electricity but it won't turn on for the next 10 minutes and Renji keep hacking to try and extend the time.

When he saw an ice cream truck drive pass his car the heard "We are done, we got him and we're clear" Toya said.

"Good, bring him to the basement, it's time for 'judgement'" Renji said as the car turn on and drive away, taking different route from the ice cream truck glove.

"Time for the dirty work..." Renji whisper to himself as he put on his leather glove.

The 7 "Deres" Boyfriend Scenarios [Editing in progress]Where stories live. Discover now