I skated over to coach to hear his last pep talk before the game but he just looked at us all and said,

"I've got nothing to say, just play your game boys."

You could tell he was just as nervous as us, but we all put our hands in

"Hawks on three."

One, two, three.


I skated to my starting position and looked at Leo, he nodded his and I nodded mine looking back at the face off circle just in time for Jack to win the face off.

The crowd exploded with nose, that I somehow managed to drowned out.

As Jack carried the puck into the other teams zone, he passed it acrossed ice to Cole who shot towards the goal and missed.

Shot on goal in the first 30 seconds. This games going to be good.

As the puck ricochet off of the boards and wrapped around Leo took the puck and kept it in the zone passing it up to Mark who was infront of the net being blocked by Randy.

I watch as what normally would be a perfect goal set up was stopped by Randy who snatched the puck and took it forward.

I rolled my eyes, this is why he was never first line defense. He had plenty of people to pass the puck to instead of taking the puck up, he was fucking tunnel vision to the net.

"Randy pass the puck!" I could heard his coach yell.

He didn't. He never would, even though he was a defensive man.

Immediately I skated backwards matching Randy's speed to apply pressure.

I looked over to Leo who had stayed back and let me take care of Randy like we agreed. I then looked back at Randy, lifting his stick causing him to lose the puck I knocked it sideways towards Jack who now had clear ice and skated straight towards their net with Mark and Cole quickly behind him watching his back.

I smirked, I know they play they are about to pull.

Jack with the puck fakes out the goalie but instead of shooting passes the puck back to Cole who takes a shot to the upper stick side of the goalie, the puck soaring into the net just above his shoulder.

The crowd goes wild as Jack and Cole celebrate, leading off with our first goal of the night with many more to come.

With the goal scored I skate for the bench glad my shift is over. Second shift rotation skates out and takes their places at center ice.

I look up towards the stands and see Leah, she is looking towards me and Leo with a thumbs up I can see her mouth... "good shift you two".

I smirk slightly and Leo shoves me with his shoulder lightly. I shove him back with a smile and look back up to the stands to see CJ and Ella next to Leah.

CJ was pointing to the ice by the current play explaining something to Ella. I watched them for a solid second before I heard the ref blow his Whistle.

I looked at the ice to see the puck in the refs hand, I completely missed the play.

Next to me Leo stood up giving me a shove.

"C'mon its our shift man." He said hopping over the boards.

I quickly looked around to see the 3rd rotation skating back to the bench and Jack, Cole, and Mark getting onto the ice.

Time on the clock was at 8 minutes, damn the first period was going by quick.

I skated to my position, the puck drop being in the Trojans zone. Taking my spot in front of the net, God help me, Randy came to my side to block me.

The puck dropped and I immediately started to put my shoulder into Randy and lift his stick. Anything to get him agitated.

I knew from the start of the game that the refs weren't going to call anything on either side but that doesn't mean I'm going to play dirty.

"Fuck off Wesley."

I rolled my eyes and kept fighting for the spot in front of the net.

"You kiss your mom with that mouth?" I asked.

"Do I kiss my mother with that mouth? Ha, at least I have a mother." Randy replied

Low blow, but I should have seen it coming.

I watched as Leo took control of the puck at the blue line, thats when I realized I somehow was in a forwards position. More or less I was stuck here Randy definitely had me trapped.

I looked over to where I was supposed to be and saw Jack covering my position, he did not look happy about playing D at the moment but he knew he had to.

Leo pushed the puck over to Mark who took it up ice towards me. I was, by no means, open for a pass and Mark new that, so he shot the puck ricocheting off of the goalie pads onto the ice the Trojans goalie pounced on it like a cat.

Hearing no whistle I pushed for the puck.

"Hey back off." I could hear Randy say.

No whistle.

I thought, so I didn't say or do anything other than keep fighting for the puck.

I felt two hands give a hard shove on my chest causing me to stumble backwards but not fall.

Finally the whistle blew.

"Man what the hell was that push for!" I yelled at Randy

"Lay off my goalie Crusher." Randy said using my last name.

"There was no whistle Randy, calm your tits." I responded.

Quickly Jack was by my side with a hand on my back.

"Leave it man, he'll get a ruffing penalty for sure."

Almost on que the ref skated over and picked up the puck.

"Alright boys calm down, either line change or come over here for the face off."

"Are you kidding me! No penalty for the shove? Thats minor ruffing ref!" Jack shouted while skating over to him.

I on the other hand took the time to skate back to the bench skating backwards I found Leah, CJ, and Ella in the stands.

Leah put her arms up in confusion and looked at me almost asking the questions, "what the hell is happening?"

I just shrugged my shoulders and shook my head while getting in the bench. Truth was I have no idea what the hell is happening, with no calls this game is turning into a shit show, quick, and its almost the end of the first period.

Jack skated over to the bench and coach said something along the lines of... "calm down Jack."

"Calm down! Coach its the finals and this games a shit show, I mean were playing great but these refs have no concepts of rules or how to blow a fucking whistle and..."

Words: 1721

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