"I believe that she is alive inside there, but I still can't help but worry," King Endymion answered. "If the Silver Crystal hadn't disappeared, then perhaps we could revive her."

"The Silver Crystal? Lost?" repeated Solaris as he looked back.

Chibiusa couldn't help but gulp as a sinking knawing feeling entered her stomach as she bit her lip, but she stayed silent.

"How could something as powerful as that end up being lost?" asked Sailor Jupiter.

"I wish I knew," said King Endymion. "The only possible explanation I can think of is that it got taken from the palace just before the Black Moon Clan's attack began, somehow."

Then Sailor Mars had an idea. "Sailor Moon has her Silver Crystal. Why don't we see if it works on her?"

Sailor Moon looked at her brooch, feeling doubtful. "But she's been like this for a long time now," she pointed out. "Not to mention, I haven't done anything like this before. Can my crystal have enough power to wake her up?"

"We have to try," said Luna.

"Please, Sailor Moon, give it a shot," said Artemis.

"Have faith in yourself, Sailor Moon," Tuxedo Mask also said. "You can do this."

Sailor Moon, now filled with confidence, then faced her future self while holding up her brooch, opening it with a wave of her hand.


The Silver Crystal in her brooch then exploded in a beautiful pink glow that shone throughout the room. Sailor Moon put all of her strength and power into the crystal as everyone watched and prayed, hoping, but unfortunately, it wasn't working. Sailor Moon tried harder but then started to grow weak, causing the crystal's glow to fade until it stopped. Sailor Moon then fell back as the other Guardians rushed over, managing to catch her in time.

"It looks like nothing happened," Sailor Mercury spoke with disappointment.

Chibiusa couldn't help but feel and look devastated as tears built up in her eyes once more. "No. It's no use," she spoke to herself. "Even Sailor Moon's not strong enough to save Mommy."

The pink odango was so upset that she ran out of the room with Luna-P following close behind.

"Chibiusa, wait!" Sailor Moon called out after managing to recover.

But before she could pursue her, Solaris stopped her. "You guys stay here. I'll go look for her," he said gently. "She'll be safe as long as she remains inside of the palace."

"I'll go with you," Tuxedo Mask said. "The poor girl's hurting, and someone has to comfort her."

And with that, Solaris and Tuxedo Mask took off chasing after Chibiusa leaving the room as well.


Chibiusa exited the Crystal Palace and didn't stop walking and crying until she came to an abandoned playground, tarnished with destruction. Chibiusa went to an old swing set that miraculously remained standing and sat down on it while Luna-P stayed on her lap. Chibiusa sat there thinking about her mom and how Sailor Moon failed to save her, making her feel depressed, lonely, and unsure of what to do.

Then, Chibiusa heard a strange and ominous laugh.

"Who's there?!" Chibiusa demanded. "Show yourself!"

At that moment, someone appeared just above her, making her jump with fright. That someone was the Wiseman.

"I foresee that our stars of fortune have aligned at this very moment," the Wiseman spoke, pointing at her. "Thus, fate has brought me the Rabbit's capture."

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