Mission: It hurts, doesn't it?

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"I think I finally understood why you want Jungkook so much," Added Hoseok while sighing sadly, "All this while I thought you loved your son-"

"Huh," Scoffed the King, "Listen to me," He glared deep at Hoseok, "I don't give a shit about what happens to him, the only reason I care about finding him is because he's-"

"The Chosen One," The wizard finished his words, an empty feeling growing inside his stomach. 

Jungkook is such a good kid, but he had the burden of having a fucked up father.

Now how did Hoseok ease the King into explaining about the Black Feather? Because he told him Jungkook's coordinates, fake ones of course.

It's laughable how the Demon King was so easy to fool, a couple of pretty words and empty promises, and he had the man wrapped around his fingers like yarn.

Hoseok had also promised that he would help the King with the Black Feather mission.

"How am I so sure I could trust you?" The King eyed Hoseok from front to back for the fifth time, "You aren't hiding any tricks up your sleeve, are you? Because I believe you'll be a valuable asset otherwise," His lips formed a smirk.

The wizard shook his head, "Oh no Sir, I'm completely at your mercy," He bit his lip, "If I do one wrong thing, feel free to get rid of me."

"Execute you," Corrected Juseon, "I don't want you roaming the streets telling people information."

Hoseok gulped, he was walking on thin ropes, "That sounds fair."

Now how was he supposed to pull off an escape while also being at the so-called enemy's "mercy". 

"Any more information you believe I should know?" The King asked for the last time.

"I have no other information to give," Hoseok announced, "But would it be okay if I borrowed your spell book?"

"I'm not as easy you think I am," Laughed the King as he shut the book, his look changed immediately, "Guards will be here to take you back to prison in a matter of minutes."

"Wh-What?" Hoseok tried to not let his nervousness show, "But I assumed we would be working side by side."

The King's laugh grew louder as he cuffed Hoseok back up, "Remember how you said you used Jungkook for your own benefit, and he was dumb enough to believe you?"

He finished cuffing Hoseok up with a click, "I did the same with you," He paused, "And don't bother using any of the information I told you about why I wanted the black feather. It was all lies."

Hoseok groaned as the annoying chuckle of the Demon King haunted him on his way back to prison.

He was back to square one.


The King kept taunting him while he was waiting for a guard to arrive and usher him out. The fact that Hoseok would still get executed in two days didn't sound pleasing to his ears.

It was almost sunset.

Soon a man entered the office and grasped the chains attached to Hoseok's hands, roughly tugging him out of the room and into the main hall.

Time for action.

The King might've double crossed him, but he had a second plan. Hoseok was good at making plans.

Guardian AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz