Mission: Magic Carpets

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Many realizations, and many relationships had been started that day. The Namjin couple, who were taking it slow. The Taekook couple, who didn't really have anything else to do rather than being tangled up in each other.

So they were only a new stage in their life. But what about Yoongi and Jimin?

Poor Yoongi who was still not sure about Jimin loving him. And was oblivious to his own love for the boy.

So you could kind of put all the blame on him, but not exactly.


"It's time to get out guys. Wake up," Yawned Taehyung.

All of them were pretty much half awake before, but because of Taehyung's continuous words they had to wake up fully.

Jin tapped Namjoon, Diamonds of Ice? 

They fairy nodded, a bit dazed from last night.

Yoongi was still sleeping on Jimin's thigh, grumbling incoherent words and Jimin could make out one of them.


But only occasionally. Each time he said it, his hands tightly pulled Jimin's shirt, almost touching his skin and tearing the shirt off.

Jimin didn't know what to understand from this, so he just let him do it. Was he having a dream? The thought of Yoongi dreaming about him made him shy.

As soon as Jimin let go of that thought, Yoongi suddenly gasped and blinked his eyes open, at the same time clasping his hands.

He earned looks from everyone else and Jimin flinched because of his sudden outburst.

Yoongi's breathing was fast as he looked at Jimin and felt him around. He had clothes on.

"You still.."

Jimin was nervous as he uttered out, "I-I still what?"

Fuck. Yoongi fell back with a groan. He was disappointed in himself. Very disappointed.

"Yoongi?" Jimin whispered.

The angel gave him a guilty look, Jimin had seen those eyes before. It was when Yoongi had gave him hickies.

Jimin noticed his neck and the area around his chest was really sweaty, "What happened?"

"Just.." Yoongi sat up properly and sighed, "Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

Jimin nodded, he didn't know if he should ask any more questions, or stay quiet. Because the older looked annoyed.

Yoongi then started acting normally like nothing happened. But Jimin sensed something different in his behavior.

He was acting distant, and moving away each time Jimin tried to move close or lean onto him. 

So what exactly did happen?

Let's just say Yoongi had a certain dream.


"So you're trying to say we have to travel all the way to the ruby kingdom, and search for the diamond forest?"

"That's the only way," Hoseok put the map down, "And we have to find the the two ancient caves."

Taehyung turned around, "Ancient?"

"Well," The wizard tried his best to explain, "We all know the history of how all the three gem kingdoms, including the ruby kingdom, were actually one kingdom called the Diamond Kingdom. Before they broke up into thee parts. And since the Ruby kingdom is in the very center, there are a lot of ruins from the time of the diamond kingdom, one of those ruins are those two caves. We should find our fifth item inside one of the two.."

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