Mission: It hurts, doesn't it?

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Hoseok had a plan to escape the cell. At first he thought he needed Mi-Cha, but out of sheer luck Mira had to be here this specific week. 

But before the escape was started, the King came to have a chat with Hoseok.

"Uncuff him."

Hoseok heard a rough voice, obviously belonging to the king. And in moments, he had his cell and cuffs being unlocked by a guard. But that didn't mean he could use his hands, because the cuffs were replaced by rope just in case he tried to run away.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, semi-dragging him to a place. And that hand also belonged to the King.

It all happened too fast for Hoseok because the next second he was sitting in a red velvet chair in front of an unusually large desk.

"Tell me what you know about my son," Ordered the King, and he observed the young man in front of him. He didn't seem like much

"I know plenty about your son," Hoseok said in response.

"Well then, tell me," Juseon gave him a dark glare, "I'm not in the mood for your games."

Hoseok sighed and dared to cross his legs, which would usually appear disrespectful, "What do you want to know, sir?"

"I want to know where he is," Questioned the king.

"If you didn't hear my story being explained by your guard, I said I was looking  for him. So how would I know?" Shrugged Hoseok before hearing a groan.

"One more wrong answer, and you're going to get tortured," Threatened Juseon, "You wouldn't want that, would you?"

The wizard already learned plenty about the King, now all he needed to do was to trick him.

"What's that book on top of your desk, sir?" Asked Hoseok as he stared the open book, the spell of the black feather being the topic. One of his longest speculations were answered.

The King immediately shut the book, "That's none of your concern. I want to know where my son is."

Hoseok smirked and let out a breath, "If you want to know about your son, you should know that he's a hell of a brat. I was using that poor kid for my own good, but he was too idiotic to figure it out."

"What are you trying to explain here? I always knew he was idiotic," Scoffed the King, "You don't seem even a bit intimidated by the fact that you're going to get killed."

Hoseok ignored the threat, "I'd tell you more about him if you get rid of the ropes."

The wizard knew he needed to speak the King's language in order to trick him, and hence, escape.

"Fair enough."


"Jungkook, how are we so sure this is where Hoseok is!" Yoongi asked in the midst of semi-crawling through the pipes underneath the castle, "I feel suffocated."

"This leads us right to the prisons! Well kind of close," Replied Jungkook, "We discussed this."

"He knows what he's doing, okay?" Added Taehyung.

"That's easy for you to say! You don't need to deal with all the filth on the ground, because he's carrying you on his back," Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like you aren't doing the same with Jimin."

"His pretty face doesn't deserve an ounce of dirt on it," Yoongi answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world, involuntarily making the younger's cheeks flush.

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