Mission: My love

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"Why won't this work.." Grunted the king.

"What won't work, my king?" 

"Nothing, just go back to the room," The king ushered his wife out the door.

But she stopped midway.

"You have been awfully stressed these past few days.." Started the queen, "I also need to talk to you about a matter."

"Be quick."

"It's about Jungkook-"

The king closed his eyes, please anything but him. 


"No one has seen him in sight.." The queen revealed the harsh news, "Is he alright? Where is he?"

"Don't worry about that, it'll be fine," Said the king with an insincere tone, "Was that the matter?"

She shook her head, "No, it's a letter from the king of the heart kingdom, it's about the marriage."

The king sighed, "What? Is he asking again about when the marriage is going to happen?"

The queen gulped, "It's actually different."

The man stopped in his tracks. 

"He wants to cancel the marriage of our son with his daughter," The queen closed the scroll.

"What??" Exclaimed the king, "But then when are we going to-"

"Our son is missing! And you're worrying about a marriage. Please, just let us cancel it. What's the use of promising something when we have nothing prepared!"


"I'm cancelling it," Stated the queen.

"You can't!!" He shouted, "Just listen-"

"I already sent them the letter," She looked away and said in a quiet tone.

"Y-You-" The king tried to calm himself down. Everything was going wrong, "Pass me the letter.."

The queen shoved the letter into his arms before exiting the room once and for all.

"What in hell.." He murmured under his breath as he read the letter.

As a boy of your own kind has convinced my to close off this marriage. I hope you understand that this is best for the kingdom, and my daughter.


The king slammed the letter onto the table. He locked the doors and went back to his potion he made with the black feather.

He didn't understand. He had did everything, put in every item, recited every spell. But nothing worked. The feather was glowing each time he picked it out.

But the glow scattered when he started to utter out the spell.

What was wrong? 

This just made him angrier. 


"There has been a lot of changes during the past few days.."

"What type of changes?" Asked Jungkook.

"Jungkook.. I don't know what to do with my life. Everything is spiraling backwards, and yes. We are finding the items. But when is it all going to end?"

Jungkook wondered the same as Taehyung. 

He was like a balloon that was being blown too much. The air being all of his secrets, and the information he had yet to reveal about himself. He had kept himself from exploding all this time, but now he was just sick of it.

Guardian AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora