♔ F o u r : Diplomacy

18 6 27

"Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it."
- Lily Tomlin

The throne room was already hosting my most important members of the territory before Draven, Colin, and I entered

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The throne room was already hosting my most important members of the territory before Draven, Colin, and I entered. I didn't allow any pleasantries and started. "Do we have the means to supply them with help?" 

"Not as much as they're asking for." Jefferey stood in the middle of the golden rug, looking at a clipboard he held. 

"We should send what we can spare and order a group to Midhallow. Perhaps they'd be willing to part with help as well," I suggested while still making my way to the throne. I kept my sights on the seat while ignoring the stares looking to me for decisions. 

"Yes, my Lord," agreed the head of security and he left in a rush to complete my orders.  

"Rogues are becoming more communal than ever intended. They're finding each other and grouping." Colin grumbled loudly to the entire room. 

"Maybe if communities weren't so set on banishment as punishment for simple crimes, there wouldn't be so many to wander our forests," Draven added his thoughts.

I couldn't help but nod in agreement. In the past month I had to witness many single rogues standing outside of the gates begging, trying to survive. It's no wonder they're starting to band together. 

Ellise slapped her hand harshly against her knee. With a scoff she scolded, "Now is not the time for you to be political!" 

"It never is according to you." The wolf leader snapped back at my lady in waiting and a shiver crept up my spine at the tension rising. 

I held my hands up, to silence the bickering before it started to get too intense. "Please, focus on the issue in front of us."

Frostborne is a proud collection of Wickeds. From what I learned during Ellise's lessons, their people focused on elemental manipulation more than the other branches of sorcery. They have always kept to themselves and stayed out of the eye of history in the aspect of senseless battles. Them pleading for aid means a lot from what I gather, hopefully helping as best we can will put me in good favor as the new Lord of Cathcart. 

"Do you really think it's a good idea to involve the Midhallow Community? A lot of their vampires are still upset with the Cathcart name." 

My focus turned to the woman who spoke, the reason the whole system didn't riot when they brought me home and announced a new Lord. There was an agreement that so long as the closest vampire relative of Denallsh was present at all of the important decisions, I would be allowed to rule. After searching for a week, they discovered Delilah Cathcart, the youngest and only surviving child of Denallsh's lost brother. 

I assessed her through curious eyes, not wanting to make enemies unless there was a reason. Other than in passing, I had yet to be in the same room as her. She looked remarkably like her uncle, with the same long honeysuckle hair and intelligent, calculating gaze. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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