♔ T h r e e : Division

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"The purpose of life is to live it, to taste it, to experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Drenched in sweat from another nightmare, my heart hammered in my chest hard enough that I worried for a moment on whether it would be able to sustain the erratic rhythm

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Drenched in sweat from another nightmare, my heart hammered in my chest hard enough that I worried for a moment on whether it would be able to sustain the erratic rhythm. I startled upright in my bed. The elaborate golden organza canopy cast shadows along the covers, adding to the unease creeping up my spine. It was nearly impossible to find myself comfortable in the new bedroom I acquired. 

Everything was too large, too ornate. 

I couldn't stay in that environment any longer. With a strong swing of my legs, my feet landed on the cold quartz flooring. It would gain me a scolding from Ellise in the later hours when she'd discover me missing once again. Yet, I didn't care. I felt more like a prisoner in this role than I ever had as supposed property. 

The people who roamed the halls at this time of day were growing used to my behavior. Gratefully, they tended to look the other way when I would pass them in my nightwear. There was no sense of wonder in the corridors, no hidden secrets to unveil. Just the opportunity for the dreams that drove me from my slumber to replay vividly against the gray rocked walls. I moved like a ghost stuck in the same monotonous routine of pacing down the stairs. 

Draven nearly collided into me as he left the common room, his eyes hooded from missed sleep. He took no notice of me until I held my hand to his shoulder to stop him. The disheveled looking man stumbled in his route, his gaze fluttering wider in surprise. 

While leaning back in alarm he loudly whispered, "Madelyn! Shouldn't you be asleep?" 

"I could ask the same thing." I tried to bite back with a little snark, but it fell flat. "I've been having a hard time sleeping lately."

"I'm sorry, I really am. I wish I could help." He looked at me with an expression wrapped in feeble pity. "Sleep eludes me as well. The atmosphere in this tower is completely different than the Queen's Manor." 

"Want to roam the halls with me? At least I'll be safe. Ellise won't have as much to fuss about." I offered, keeping my arm outstretched for him to grab, roles reversed. 

He hesitated a while longer than I expected, the uncertainty lowering my arm slowly. However, he agreed while hiding the hesitancy clouding his thoughts. The journey started awkwardly and silent until Draven ended it with a resolute assessment. 

"I don't trust Colin." The way he said the wolf leader's name sounded like it was impossible to speak without an eye roll. 

With confusion I asked, "Why?" 

"I'm unsure. There's something about him that causes me unease." 

"Could it be because he might be the first person to possibly be stronger than you?" I teased, as I poked him in the ribs. My finger barely made a dent. 

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