4nemo- 1

620 10 3

Art credit from Twitter: @//veechu_
(Their account got private and Idk what happened but credits from them because I saw someone credit them the art)

Character that have been used:
Aether, Kazuha, Xiao, Venti

How the 4nemo band met :)In my au they are just ordinary humans, "visions" don't exist. But..One has a vision.

9.15 am (Recess)Aether and Kazuha walked out of their class, 2-1 to meet up with their boyfriends/best friends, Venti and Xiao. They all met when they are at the age of 13, became friends, and start to develop some feelings for each of them.

The sexuality of each chart in my au 👬:
Kazuha= Poly, Bi
Aether= Gay, Poly
Xiao= Bisexual, Gay
Venti= Gay 100%😔

"Yoohoo~, Hey gay people~" Venti winked to the three boys as one of them laugh. "Your gay Venti." Speaker xiao very "roughly".

" Your no fun babe"Venti made a kissy face to his three boyfriends as Aether and Kazuha Giggle quietly looked at the two boyfriends sulking now. "Stop sulking you both" Aether walks in front of them and kisses their cheeks. Both of them stop sulking and just smile, while Xiao just shows a small smile. Tbh none of them or all students and teachers in this school saw Xiao smile, Well except a teacher called Mr. Zhongli. Well, also Ganyu. Zhongli is a single father of two kids which are adopted. Xiao was the youngest in the family (Googled that Ganyu is 3000+ and Xiao is 2000+), 

The backstory of Xiao:
When Ganyu and Zhongli found Xiao on some snow eating some of it, because of hunger and thirst. Zhongli picked Xiao up, and Xiao just automatically cuddled Zhongli in his warm coat. Ganyu asked his "dad" if they can adopt this little boy. Zhongli laughed and agreed to take care of this little boy. 
~End of backstory~

heya sorry for not updating, something came up on irl. So i had to stop writing. I will be on a 4 week break because exam is coming up, and i better start learning, Ily guys

in 4 weeks ill continue this i promise, Byebye!  (DISCONTINUED)

have a great day~

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