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Archon quest spoiler (start and end of archon quest -)

-Thoma show around Aether around Inazuma and present the Statue of Raiden Shogun in her Archon form. Thoma is talking while Aether is just staring at the statue and a flash happen before his eyes, Aether blinked and a dizziness feeling came too Aether holding his hands in his head. 
"Uh Traveller are you okay?" Paimon asked looking worried.-  Aether noded, Thoma glancing at Aether and the statue, "Are you sure?". Traveller just nodded and walked away to the back of a house, Paimon flies over too Aether but Thoma grab her cape and just tell her to not go with him and gave him some time alone, Paimon noded but the feeling of worried came into her suddenly.

Aether went to the back of the house sat down and sighed, covering his eyes with his hands thinking when will he meet his sister again, "Hello! Why are you on the floor?" Aether glanced and saw a cheerfull girl which remind Lumine aka his sister. "Oh is this you house? Sorry ill move" Muttering his words the girl surprisingly hold his hands, "This is not my house, it isn't near the docks, and im sorry for bothering you, My name is Yoimiya!" Yoimiya smiled. Aether blinked and muttered "Its fine don't worry about it Yoimiya. Do you know Thoma?".
" Of course i know him do you have any Buisness with Thoma?"

Have this first ill write more later, im in a Roadtrip :D
Continue <3

"No i dont Yoimiya, he greet me and Paimon and just start touring around Inazuma city on us" Aether standing up and wanting to walk away because hes no in the mood of talking right now. "I see that your busy for now we're going too meet again in a few days! Bye Aether!" Yoimiya cheerfully say that walking away. Aether the whole time thinking how is Xiao doing in Liyue and hows Qiqi doing in Liyue is Childe making Qiqi thinking coconut milk isnt from Ganyu? All of this is making Aether stressing out. Aether thinked for a good 10 minutes and remember something. "Call me if u need me"

"Xiao are you there?" 

"Do you need something?" Xiao said that sternly while holding his laugh. "Xiao? Why are you tense? Is something bothering you?" Aether asked concernly of his boyfriend whos acting strange. "So do you need anything traveller?" Aether hearing that think he did something. Its been months they date. "Did I do something?" Aether mumbled Xiao looked at Aether and hug him "of course not you did nothing i was just messing with you". 

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