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tw: Pedophilia, Trying to rape barbara

Chara and age:
Traveller (Aether or Lumine): Over 3000 
Barbara: 16
Albert: 26
Jean: 20/21
Kaeya: 20
Paimon: 6-7 

The traveller and Paimon are in the windblum festivel, enjoying themself and decided to go to the cathedral to do a personal comission of sweeping piles of leafs (they do this themself for the cathedral to be clean). They climb the stairs and saw one of the sister waiting nervously. The traveller came and ask the sister what happend and why she look worried, "I was waiting for Barbara, she told me she's going to get herbs for medicine but she hasn't came back and its been 1 hour.." the traveller asked where Barbara go and the sister said 'Wovendom', Traveller understood and went to Wolvendom. Traveller and Paimon was walking by some tress by the huge arena of the wolf boss. Someone suddenly grab Traveller and Paimon in one of the huge and wide trees. "shh, traveller what are you doing in here?!" Traveller look the person who pull them both in the trees, Its Barbara. Traveller asked whats going on to Barbara, Barbara respond in a very panic and scared voice, "Albert is stalking me he've been stalking me non-stop, When i met him he start touching my arms and atuff and.." Traveller felt sorry and just hug Barbara tightly and looked around the forest to go back to Monstad and report to Jean and the sister. Paimon looked so worried and also looked around to get away from the Wovendom area. Paimon told To the barbara and the traveller theres no sign of Albert around here so they try walking away. "Oh my God Hey barbara!~" Someone called out as traveller felt a more tight hug from the girl they are protecting. "Please help traveller, im scared" Paimon immediatly know what to do and whisper it to Traveller, 'Run'. Traveller and Barbara sprint so fast Albert can still catch up. Barbara at this point is shaking as she's running with the traveller. Traveller understood her feelings right now and the traveller got a plan to catch Albert in the act. 

Traveller and Barbara run into the cathedral and into one of the private room. Traveller told Barbara to lock the doors and if she heard 3 knocks its the traveller. Barbara understood as the traveller left the room waiting for the click of the door,


traveller ran outside seeing Albert staring at the Cathedral window looking where Barbara is but cant found her. Traveller ran into the Knight Of Favonius head quarters to find Jean to help her sister. Traveller found Jean and Lisa unpacking books in the library, Traveller ran to Jean and Lisa, If you guys are wondering where Paimon is, Paimon is comforting Barbara in the room in the cathedral. Traveller explain what is been happening to Barbara too Jean and Lisa. Both of them are shocked that fans of Barbara are supposed to be respecting barbara but they instead stalk her and wanted to touch Barbara. Jean outraged but remember thats not what the grand acting master do so she remain calm with Lisa and went to the cathedral and to the room at the same time knock 3 times and Paimon said 'Come in'. As Jean enter to the room seeing Barbara sobbing in the floor and Paimon floating, comforting Barbara. Jean inhale and exhale and walked near Barbara and hug her sister tightly. Jean asked what happend and Barbara just told everything, Jean And Lisa heard all of thoese and wanted to gave Albert a punishment but it's not the right thing to do. As the knight of Favonius is not the right thing and its not proper to do to the citizen of Monstad. Traveller left the cathedral again and go to Windrise to find Venti, the God Of Freedom, Barbatos. Traveller found Venti in the top of the tress playing the lyre, Traveller climbed up the huge tree and called out Venti. Venti saw the traveller and greet him to sit down at the tree with him. Traveller tell what's been happening and About Albert stalking Barbara and all. Venti hearing that was shocked but he can't do anything but to give advices, "Sorry traveller i can't do anything, but i can give you ideas or ways to stop the stalking from Albert. I do care for my citizen anyways.." 



ps: I have exams till friday so sorry i wont be posting till exams are done  

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