Start from the beginning

After another brief pause, mom pulls me into a hug.

"Just promise you'll stay out of trouble."

"I promise mom, I'll be okay."

"Plus, anyone who wants to get to her will have to go through me."

Zac brags, puffing out his chest.

"My hero."

I roll my eyes.


Zaccai has been following me pretty much everywhere I go the entire day. I was beginning to worry about how to escape him and meet with Eli but lucky for me, he isn't free during sixth period and so I'm heading to the music room as quickly as I can before he figure out a way to get out of class and continue tailing me.

"Well well well... look who it is."

For goodness sake, of all the people I could've run into.

"Jeanna! Haven't seen you in forever."

She smirks at my sarcasm. She's without her minions today, it's odd to see her alone.

"Where are you going in such a rush, Sarah?"

"None of your business Jeanna."

"Look, do us all a favour and just go jump off a building or something. Audrey saw you that night at the hotel. You really disappointed her when you couldn't even jump off a balcony right."

What? How did she...?

"If you're wondering how she saw you, her room was below yours, she happened to be outside chilling on her balcony and saw you climbing yours. Who'd have guessed, the heartless Sarah Gordon, hated by everyone, hates herself too."

I somehow allowed myself to forget about that night...



"Dez! How long have you been standing there?"

She stammers.

"What the heck is wrong with you Jeanna?"

She tries to laugh it off but Eli just gives her a look of disgust in return.

"Ugh... You're such a moron Dez. How can you waste your time with such a witch? She is just a heartless-"

"-Shut up before I make you"

Eli growls, sewing her big fat fish lip mouth shut.


She lets out before walking away.

Eli grabs my hand and pulls me all the way into the music room then shuts the door behind us.

"Is what she said true?"

I was hoping he'd just forget about it but I should know better by now.

"I... I wasn't thinking straight. It's not like I want to die..."

I just didn't... I don't want to live as myself anymore.

Without saying another word, he wraps his arms around me.

"Sarah, please... never do that to me. Ever. I need you."

He quivers. It's been a while since I heard Eli cry, I almost forgot how much of a crybaby he is. I guess I've been filling that spot lately.

"You know... It was your call that stopped me."

"So it was that night, huh? Then I'm glad I called."

I push away from him not wanting to get all sappy about the topic.

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