"I don't know what's happening," you swallowed hard, "they're my hallucinations, but...I wasn't even looking at any faces...and for it to happen to multiple people..."

"Let's get back," Chisaki stood up and held out his hand for you to take. "We can have Kurono run some tests, but it seems like your quirk is continuing to evolve." 

"E...volve?" You asked cluelessly as you stood with him and began walking down the street.

"Well, obviously you can do things you couldn't before," he chuckled from behind his plague mask.

"I don't want it anymore," you mumbled as you strolled next to him, fingers laced in his gloved ones.

The two of you got plenty of looks as you headed back to base. After all, you were a mysterious, hooded figure walking hand-in-hand with a known yakuza member. You kept your head low and your eyes shut - as if that could prevent your quirk from activating. 

"Don't want it?" Chisaki asked as you rounded the corner toward base. "You mean your...quirk, correct?"

"Mhm," you nodded silently as the two of you entered and navigated down the staircase.

"Well then," he sighed, "let's do it." 

You flashed him a quick look as soon as he spoke. There were so many suspicions that you had about his behavior. Red flag after red flag popped up, but just as quickly as they popped up - he dispelled them. 

"So...what do we do?" You asked as you plopped down on a nearby counter as Chisaki navigated to a refrigerator that stored the drug. "They're bullets, right?"

"I'm not going to shoot you," Chisaki smiled warmly at you as he took a particular vial from its place and walked back over to you. "I had this put aside special." You watched as he carefully prepared the injection, drawing the liquid from the vial. "But I did want to ask you something before I do this."

"Yeah?" You asked calmly as he lifted your shirt and pinched a good chunk of your flesh. 

He angled the needle toward your body and carefully plunged it in. "Did you have him here last night?"

You gasped and tried your best to keep from flinching as the liquid poured into your body, burning its way into your muscle. "S-sorry, what?" You asked nervously as he removed the needle, standing straight to peer down at you.

"I just want you to be honest with me," he broke his stoic, aggressive expression and walked way - disposing of the needle in a nearby biohazard box. "Did you have Shigaraki here last night?"

"I did," you conceded, staring at him carefully to judge his reaction that was mostly blocked by his plague mask. 

"Try your quirk," he nodded in your direction, giving little to no reaction to your answer. "Here..." he reached behind his head and removed the mask, leaving his face completely in the open though you really only needed eyes...and apparently not even a face at that point.

You felt incredibly nervous with his lack of reaction, but did your best at activating your quirk. You could feel the tingle as you stared him down, but nothing was appearing and he didn't seem to be reacting to anything. 

"Oh...my..." you were at a complete loss for words, the rest of your exclamation withering away on your tongue. "It's...gone."

Chisaki smiled and walked back over to you, steadying your shoulders as you went weak with disbelief. The thing that had been plaguing you for so long was gone...and it was so anticlimactic. You were..."normal." 

While still in a bit of shock from your new normal, you stared at him blankly and waited for him to ask more about your night with Shigaraki. The silent stare he gave was expectant, as if you'd be the one to continue to address it. 

"I don't appreciate being used, Y/N," he started, backing away from you once you were completely stable. 

Your heart fluttered in a bit of panic at his suddenly hostile tone. You were no longer capable of defending yourself. The tone he chose stung, the man you had found yourself falling for and he for you appeared angrily distraught at your unfaithfulness; unfaithfulness that you barely were able to control against your better judgement.

"Kai, I'm not using you," you tried your best to remain confident though it was likely more obvious that it was wavering without your ability. "I...need you. You...love me, right?"

His jaw tensed in thought as he stared you down. Your heart continued to race, not out of fear but of worry. You knew you'd have to face the crossroads of your actions at some point, your decision unclear, but the idea of losing Chisaki so abruptly was something you desperately wanted to avoid. 

"You don't need me anymore," he scoffed with a smirk and tilted his head as he tried to control his breathing. "And you wouldn't have entertained him if you had any sort of genuine care for me."

"Kai..." you repeated in a whimper and watched as he walked toward a large filing cabinet and began sifting through one of the drawers. 

"I had these expedited," he explained, checking each paper to make sure all was present, "but these are the files you need to begin your life above." He handed them to you, your hand nervously shaking as you took them.

"I don't want to go..." you muttered as you stared down at the official documents. A brand new Individual Number stared at you in the face, the number that declared you a citizen of Japan.

Chisaki gave a vocalized sigh at your petite voice in near tears. He walked back over to you and ran his index finger along your cheek to catch the stray tear. "Pretty little thing..." he whispered as you looked up at him with doe eyes. "Shame on me..."

"Kai, please..." you begged despite his mumblings to himself. You were trying to avoid it...saying the L-word to either of them. You didn't want to say anything until you were sure of yourself...but, "I love you." Your voice was small as the words came out without your permission. 

He bit the inside of his bottom lip and stared at you for a moment, his face slightly paling as the words hit his ear drums. In his mind, he had to stick to his guns. In his mind, he was protecting you. "You don't belong here anymore."

Your jaw fell open, again in disbelief, as you processed the words. Despite your admission, which was incredibly true, he had rejected you. After all you had been through together over the past six years, he was ending it. 

Heart of The WraithМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя