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(Marth's POV)
Marth first awoke to a light tapping. It sounded like footsteps outside his royal bedroom. Being a prince sure did have its perks. He yawned and glanced out the window to see the moon slowly fading and the sunrise beginning.

The tapping faded as he stretched. It was probably Melissa, up early to go sneak a talk with her boyfriend before breakfast. He smiled as he thought of the two. Ranboo really made her happy. They'd be moving into a different house once they were married.

He stretched and finally got up, throwing on a blue poet's shirt. He had inherited his father's fashion mostly. When suddenly, he saw something that made his heart stop.

He stared into the mirror of his dark bedroom. The moon illuminated his face along with fear embedded in his eyes. His shaggy hair, once a beautiful ebony, had turned stark white. His wings trembled in shock as his blue eyes tried to comprehend it.

I-what-no- His thoughts jumbled together as his knees his the floor. His lips moved but no sound came. He couldn't hear. But he sensed someone at the door, just as he sensed the tear of shock on his cheek. The bubble of soundproof broke though as he felt arms embrace his trembling figure.

"It's alright. Breathe, Marth." His mother was in front of him now. He could see the shock and fear in her eyes as his breaths evened. "Does anything hurt?" He responded with a quick shake of the head. She hugged him close. "It's okay. We'll figure it out, okay?" He nodded into her shoulder.

After he had composed himself a bit, she led him down to the dining room. He could hear his whole family in there as they approached. Apprehension nipped at him when he hesitated before the doors. Everyone was in there. Everyone would see. His mom glanced back at him.

"It's gonna be okay. We can explain it to them. You know they will always accept you no matter your hair color or gift." He nodded as his nervousness faded slowly.

She released his hand and opened the door. His eyes quickly took in the room. Phil and Kristin were holding hands and watching their family. Wilbur was tickling Fundy while Sally just rolled her eyes and Niki giggled. Techno was waiting by an empty seat for his wife. Ranboo and Melissa were talking quietly, with a seat next to her that was empty. And Tommy was shouting to everyone, though no one was listening, about some story.

Mel looked up as she heard the door open. He could tell she noticed by her eyes. They flashed with worry. Ranboo paused when she stopped talking. His jaw dropped slightly, which turned into a smile1. Marth already was trembling from attention, his social anxiety never truly fading. Thankfully, his mom squeezed his hand and led him to his seat. Techno glanced up with a concerned look, but controlled it more than the others as Marth sat down.

A gasp echoed from Fundy, making the teen flinch. Everyone stopped their activities, accept Techno at the sound. His father and mother knew it would be better to act normal.

"Marth?" It was Melissa. "Did something happen?" Love and worry for her brother echoed in her words. He glanced around, taking in the concern in everyone's gazes.

"I woke up with it like this." His voice hitched slightly at the end as he ran a hand through it.

Everyone moved at once it seemed, and he found himself in the middle of a huge group hug. Not a word was said, but it wasn't needed. He understood.

"I think it's time we discussed your gifts." Kristin spoke up as everyone sat down again for breakfast. "Usually the gifts are discovered, but your gifts are highly unusual...." Marth looked up from his pancakes. "Melissa, you have been given the power to talk to the dead." A collective gasp of surprise and wonder went around. Her faced scrunched in thought. His grandmother turned to him. "Marth, you have the power to bring people back to life for a second chance."

His jaw dropped. Revival?! That's incredible! The family murmured about their powers while the twins' eyes met. They secretly agreed to talk about it later.

Ranboo leaned closer to him, distracting the two. He pointed to his white hair with a wink.

"Now we're twins, huh?" Marth huffed out a laugh.

"Sure, Ranboo." The three shared a laugh, making the others smile around them.

Hours later, the twins were sitting in their favorite spot. Clouds passed over in the beautiful spring sky. A comfortable silence except for the bees' droning surrounded the two.

"Mel?" She hummed in response. "You know that Dream guy we defeated years ago?" She sat up in a flash. "I've been having nightmares with him in them."

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" His blue eyes met her red ones for a moment as hers flashed with indignation.

"Because I wasn't concerned really...until today." Her mind flooded with possibilities.

"Melissa." She looked at him again. "I have a feeling something's going to happen. Whatever it is, I need you to be ready and accepting." She gave him a firm nod.

"I will. Nothing will ever make me doubt you." The two shared a smile.

"Marth!" He perked up as he heard his name. Kristin was walking through the garden.

"Yes?!" He hopped up. She smiled as she saw the two.

"I need to have a private talk with you." Her smile shifted slightly, making worry swirl inside him.

"Alright. See ya later, Mel. Have fun with your boyfriend." He winked as she rolled her eyes. His grandma led him down a path to a fountain in the garden.

"Marth." Her voice held apprehension. "Your gift is very special. Even I don't have the power that you hold." A gasp escaped him. "Because of this, people, able to sense magic, might try to use you. I'm warning you to be careful. I sense that something isn't quite right in the world." She paused as he pondered her words. She sighed before saying her last bit of advice. "Most of all, protect the ones you love. I learned that when I disappeared. If I didn't, the world would be a lot worse." He nodded in affirmation.

"I understand." She kissed his forehead and scruffed his hair up.

"I know you do."

It would be months though until he acted on her words.

A/n: A good beginning to a good story I always say. I hope I was able to rope you in, because this story is going to be super fun! I'll probably add in an oc for a little romantic fluff. Hope you have an awesome day/night.

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