"I think he should be-"

"Wait." Hoseok interrupted her in between and looked in his book, "Are you not good at following orders or are you doing this on purpose because I don't teach here."

"Huh?" Miso was confused.

Hoseok looked up, "I told you twice to give me your details before speaking."

Miso grumbled something before clearing her throat, "I am Kang Miso, roll number 9, second year."

Hoseok nodded without looking up. He clenched his jaw to control himself from rolling his eyes. He had not understood why Seokjin had asked to look into whoever was responsible for Namjoon's scholarship suspension, but as he got to know Namjoon more, a little part of him became soft for Namjoon and an urge to protect Namjoon started growing in him. He looked up, "Continue."

"So I was saying that," Miso continued, "The man should be punished. There are so many other jobs to do in society. I'm sure he would have gotten a job if he had looked harder. But this was easy money and who wouldn't like easy money, right? And if he hadn't done this job, the murder wouldn't have happened."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. Of course. To spoiled brats like Miso, things were always easily available and they thought that it would be the same for everyone else. He was sure that Miso wouldn't land a single job if she went out without her family name.

He sighed and raised his hand to add his point. Hoseok smiled, "Yes, Namjoon. What's your seat number?"

Namjoon's eyes went wide. He didn't expect Hoseok to show everyone that they knew each other. In fact, he expected Hoseok to act like a stranger. He cleared his throat, "42."

Hoseok noted something down and looked up, "Okay, continue."

Namjoon nodded, "According to me, the man should not be punished. The video clearly shows that if he could have gotten any other job, he wouldn't have done this. It is really difficult to find a job. Not to mention he did as a last resort. He had been unemployed for a year. And if he hadn't done it, someone else would have."

Hoseok hummed and looked at another hand going in the air. "Yes."

"I am Jo Ye Bom. 12, third year." Hoseok noted it down and nodded. Yebom continued, "I think the people who are saying that he should not be punished are being too emotional. I agree that it is very hard to find a job. But think about this. If I gave you a bag with conditionals like these and a huge amount of money, wouldn't you be sceptical? Easy money, no hard work. And we don't know after getting the money he did treat his mother. Maybe he gambled with them or blew it off drinking alcohol."

Namjoon countered him immediately, "But we do not know the full story of the man. All we have is this video which stopped in the middle."

Yebom shrugged, "Exactly. We can not decide if someone should be punished or not on half evidence. We have to find the complete truth behind his actions and the situation in which the action occurred."

Hoseok hummed. "Fair point! Anyone else?" The debate went on. Some were against giving him punishment, some thought he should be lightly punished. After about half an hour of debating, Hoseok started explaining how they are dealt with. "It is a very sensitive issue and should always be sensible. The man here did treat his mother and the job search was completely true. But he was punished because he was indirectly connected to the murder. The court gave him six months in prison." He continued to explain the law and the enforcement behind the case.

The lecture ended after an hour of explaining and doubt solving. He waited for people to leave the auditorium as he chatted with the other professors, some of whom had even taught him in the past. After a while, a student came up to him and he looked at the student.

"Hoseok-shi, I am sure there must have been a misunderstanding before. I am Kang Miso. My father told you to come to give a lecture here on the phone." Miso smiled.

Namjoon was about to leave the class, but he sat again. He definitely did not want to miss the face Miso would make once she was trolled. He looked around and saw there were still a considerable number of students in the class.

Hoseok chuckled, "I think the misunderstanding is on your part, Miso-shi. Yes, your father did call but I right out refused to give a lecture here."

Miso was confused. But the situation slowly crept into her mind. She remembered how Hoseok had called Namjoon by his name. She looked at Namjoon and then at Hoseok again. She chuckled, "Don't tell me that Namjoon convinced you to give a lecture here."

Hoseok's eyes turned sharp as he glared at Miso, "Miso-shi, just so that you know, the world doesn't revolve around you. And one more thing, if you had personally called me or mailed me the request to give a lecture here, I would have maybe considered it. But you used your father for such an insignificant thing. Without your family name, I am pretty sure you are nothing else. You should really work on your attitude."

"Hoseok-ah, enough. I'll handle her." Myungmin intervened before Hoseok could say something else.

Miso stomped out of the room in anger. Namjoon sighed and left the room as well. Satisfied to his core that Miso got what she deserved. Finally.

Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong

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