Levenburg ( 1 )

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Some of the names and places in this story were used in my story:
' servants ( short ) '
This story has nothing to do with the last one! I just like the names. The places are also not real. Even if there is maybe one that is named like this.


Let's go:

A young boy stepped through the streets of Camelot. He had dark blue hair and light blue eyes. He looked like he was 9 and was wearing black clothes.

( Basically Arthurs clothes but in small and black. )

The right sleeve of his shirt had a golden symbol on it. A snake that went around his arm from his neck, to his wrists. All these clothes were covered with a dark blue Shirt, that looked like it was from a 45 year old man. The shirt went down to his knees. He had black shoes with golden strings. His hair wad short and wavy. It looked like he had been bathing some seconds ago, even if it was dry and he had been going through the streets for about 17 minutes by now. It was shining like his clear blue eyes. They looked like the sea in heaven.

He looked like a happy child, but when you looked at him for longer then 10 minutes you would notice how sad he really was. The boy was slowly going to the castle, when a guard looked down to him.

" Hello young man. I never saw someone with blue hair. You're not from here right? My name is Sir Leon. Nice to meet you. "

The boy looked up to man. He had the hair of a lion. He slowly answered:

" I'm searching for Merlin from Ealdor. "

The knight looked surprised.

" You can find him in the throne room. There is a fest. "

" Thank you sir! Remember, your live will give you many obstacles but no end. "

He went away to the throne room and didn't looked back. Sir Leon looked after him and smiled confused. The boy went through all people. He stopped in front of the throne room. He looked in it and saw a big table with around 15 men and women at it. He looked through the servants, till he saw Merlin. He was speaking with the prince. The young boy smiled and entered the hall. All people were staring at him. He looked at the king who stood up and then to Merlin, who looked at him shocked.

" Felix?! "

He ran around the table and hugged him. Felix hugged him back while the tears flew out of the blue haired boys eyes. Merlin went down to him and looked at him.

" Why are you here? Where are your parents? "

The servant looked through the people and then back at him. Felix hugged him again, while the tears seemed to get bigger and faster.

" They left to heaven. "

The prince looked at the boy and then at his father. The king was sitting again. Merlin was looking to Arthur with tears in his eyes. Felix just wanted to be with Merlin. He had been running away from the new king of Levenburg for weeks.

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