Dragon ( short )

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A short story with nothing to warn of.

" ############### "

Arthur and Leon couldn't understand the language that the person was speaking.

" This will turn a sorcerer into a dragon and a human into a cat! Let's see what your friend is! "

Her eyes turned golden and they looked at her smile, when she collapsed to the floor. Leon looked at her and slightly shock his had. The enchantment had killed her. He looked to where she had been looking for all this time. He looked at Merlin who began to cough. He looked at himself when his body began to glow. Leon and him looked at Merlin and hoped that he wouldn't die to the hands of an evil sorceress like her. Tears flew down Arthurs face when he looked at the small Dragon.

Merlin jumped out of his bed. He had tears in his eyes. He hated Nightmares!

Words: ~150

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