Chapter 1

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Kiss With A Fist
Chapter 1

     I could hear the shouts of tipsy men—and women—from the kitchen as I balanced two big, full trays of food and alcohol. I pushed through the two-way double doors to get out of the frantic kitchen, and into the chaotic dining lounge of the club.
   I squeezed through two men in the middle of an argument, making sure not to spill any of the contents of the tray. I made it through, just as one of the men threw a punch at the other man’s face.
   “CARLO!” I hollered to one of the burly bouncers as I moved away from the blooming fight. “FIGHT AT COUNTER 3!” He sent me a nod of acknowledgement and proceeded to stop the oncoming fight.
   A small smile flitted across my face as I made my way towards table 7. If anyone could stop a fight, it'd be Carlo—no one dared to say no to him—the most obvious reason being that he was literally a giant. At six foot nine, he towered over most people, and his muscles were insanely developed. His crooked nose—the result of being broken multiple times—didn't do much to reassure people either. But despite his looks, he was extremely nice and very protective. He was like the older brother I never had.
   I delivered the food to table 7 without further incident. As I relieved myself of my burden, I tugged on my uniform skirt, trying to make it cover more skin. The ruffled black mini skirt went down to my mid-thighs, lined with ruffled white lace. I tried pulling the white blouse higher, but it still exposed too much cleavage and the short, black leather vest didn't leave much to the imagination either. But at least I was wearing a black tie, fishnet tights and almost knee-high combat boots lined with big silver buckles. Small blessings.
   Most of the other women here—I was the youngest—wore their uniforms with dignity, without a second thought. I sighed, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to make this outfit any less slutty and went to get the next table's orders.
   As I went past table 8, I felt a hand grope my butt. I immediately whipped around, ready to cause a scene, but clenched my jaw instead. The disgusting man gave me a knowing smirk, which I returned with a death glare, and continued towards the kitchen.
   The boss' warning flashed through my mind. "No matter what, you do not yell at a customer," he'd told me. The first—and last—time I blew up at a customer, I had nearly gotten fired. And I couldn't afford to get fired, so I just had to suck it up. This was one of the best paying jobs I had, the other being a part-time job at a daycare. And believe me; I knew a good job when I had one.

   I let out a frustrated groan, and then went back to waiting tables.


This was going to be a hell of a long night.
   "Lwee!" Theodore screamed, when I finally got home at around midnight.
   "Hey munchkin! How come you're not asleep yet?" I asked in mock anger. He looked up at me, his big, round blue eyes sparkling. "Alright mister, I'll ge—"
   "LEVI! What took you so damn long?" yelled Jason, my fourteen year old brother.
   "Extra shift," I grumbled. ‘No swearing,” I added.
   "Oh," his glare softened, and he gave me a sad look.
   "Did you eat dinner?"

   “Did you do your homework?”


   "Did yo—"
   "Lwee! Wead me a stowy!" Theo pleaded.
   "Alright, you hop into bed and I'll be there in a few minutes, mmkay?" He nodded and went into the room that he shared with Jason. "Jase, it's getting late. Go to bed, you've got school tomorrow."
   "What about you? You need to sleep too."
   "I've got to take a shower, do the laundry, and study. Go to bed." He had that stubborn look in his eyes. "Jase, just go. It's been a long night, and I'm not going to put up with anymore BS." He opened his mouth to argue, but closed it, sulking to his room.
   I grabbed a book to read to Theo, but he was already asleep. He looked so peaceful with his blonde curls spread out around his face, his full pink lips slightly parted. I smiled sadly, softly kissing his forehead. If only we could all stay as innocent as a three-year old.
   "LEVI! WAKE UP! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Jason hollered, effectively waking me up. I glanced at the clock. Why was he screaming? It was only—
   "Holy sweet mother of Poseidon!" I yelled jumping up from the dining table. I ran into Theo's room to wake him up, but he was awake and dressed, waiting for breakfast. "Morning kiddo!" I yelled, running into the washroom to brush my teeth. I ran around, putting stuff in my backpack while looking for eggs. I spread jam across toast and laid it out on a plate for Theo, while cracking eggshells, and whisking egg yolks.

   As I hurriedly scrambled the eggs, I realized that my brain was probably just as scrambled. More toast popped out of the toaster, and I popped in two more. I shoved the toast in my mouth, adding a spoonful of eggs.
   "Jason! Can you drop of Theo?!" I shouted, my mouth full so it came out garbled. Jason shouted back, and I heard the door slam shut as he left with Theo. I grabbed the first pair of clothes I found not bothering to check if they matched, and ran a brush through my long hair. I didn't even look in the mirror before putting on my glasses, grabbing my backpack and running out the door. As soon as I was down the hallway, I ran back, realizing that I hadn’t locked the door.

   I jabbed at the elevator buttons, waiting for them to get to my floor, but soon gave up, racing down the stairs not even bothering to take them one at a time. I ran out the apartment building, nearly knocking down one of the guys coming in through the door.

   “Sorry!” I yelled without looking back, then booked it to school.

   Just as I walked into the school, huffing and puffing, the late bell rang. I groaned in despair and dragged myself to my locker.

  I was late.

   Welcome to my chaotic life.

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