Blehhhh... Wilkommen!

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     SO!! Wilkommen* to this story, and I hope you enjoy it!!

wow, what was that... Lemme start over.


      As you might be able to gather from the title, this is sorta just a story to get my ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, whatevers out of my mind. A clear mind is a strong mind! (Don't ask where I got it from... I'd just point to my head and say "Upstairs.")

     Don't like these kinds of stories? Screw you, you shouldn't be reading this. You have the option to leave whenever you want to, hater.

    *Ahem* Anywho, I really do hope that you'll enjoy this and that all respect you may or may not have for me stays intact. Another sole purpose of this is for you to get an idea of how truly insane I am. And, okay, maybe it's also to get to know me. But an awesome person like me deserves to be known better! *Prussia moment...*

Have a nice day, lovelies, and do continue to support me through my insanity and occasional lonliness/boredom.

Auf Wiedersehen~

* - Welcome

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