Chapter 18 - Fervency

Start from the beginning

A young blonde woman was purchasing something at the counter, but Serena instantly recognized her to be the woman that made the famous Moomoo Milk for this city. Curious, she walked over to the counter and pretended to buy a tacky pair of earrings she saw on the display. "I'd like to buy those earrings," she said to the old lady, who understood that Serena was trying to talk to Amelia.

"Here you go," the lady said, presenting Serena with the earrings that she honestly hated. "I assume you know who Amelia is?" Serena looked over smiled. "You make the Moomoo Milk here, right?" She asked Amelia, who sheepishly grinned and said, "Yep, that's me! I just got done selling a bunch of it to stores."

"I heard it was really good from a close friend, but I've never had any, so I'm hoping to try some soon," Serena explained, as she placed the earrings in her purse. The old lady gave a bag to Amelia, who said thank you and turned to Serena. "Well, why don't we go try some now! I've got nothing better to do, so I'd be glad to go get some food," she said.

The old lady walked away from the counter to go tend to other businesses while Serena thought about it. I do need to find that energy source, she told herself. But then again, Ash did say it was really good, so I don't want to miss it. "Alright, I'll pay," Serena offered, but Amelia shook her head. "No, I've got it, don't worry," she said as she placed the bag on her shoulder.

The two walked out and Serena was again blown away by the massive amount of people walking out. "Do you know any good food spots?" Serena partially yelled over the ruckus caused by the people. "I know a great place that sells the Moomoo Milk in all forms," Amelia replied, looking around. She began walking, so Serena followed suit.

"So, where are you from?" Amelia asked while adjusting her straw hat. Serena, trying to keep up with Amelia, answered, "Oh, I'm from the Kalos region." Amelia laughed, causing Serena to ask, "What's so funny?" Amelia turned to her and explained, "It just explains why you were so clueless about everything. I could tell you were from pretty far away."

Serena gave a soft smile. "Don't you Kalosians have some kind of pastry of your own?" Amelia asked while turning left onto a different street. "I think they're called Pokemon Ploofs or something?" It was Serena's turn to laugh at the clueless Amelia. "Poke Puffs," she corrected. "That's what they're called."

"And both people and Pokemon can eat them?" She asked Serena, who nodded. "Weird." They had now stopped at a building, which had a sign that read 'Master Moomoo Cafe'. "Branding is a big thing for people here," Amelia commented as they entered the building.

Upon entering, Serena instantly noticed a change in scenery and overall aesthetic. While the hot streets of Olivine City gave a sense of urgency and an urge to buy stuff, the inside of this cafe was cool and seemed incredibly calm. It was nearly silent, to the point where Serena could hear their feet touching the ground as they approached the counter.

"Is it always this empty?" Serena whispered to Amelia, who shrugged and replied, "Most people don't really eat inside because they're too busy going to other restaurants, but I quite like the quiet here. It reminds me of the farmhouse." Serena had to agree with Amelia on this one, despite them being different when it came to fashion and lifestyles.

"Hey, Amelia! How are you!" The clerk at the counter said in a friendly manner. "Hey, John," Amelia replied cheerfully. "This is my friend..." She turned to Serena with a blank face and quickly realized she had not asked for her name. "What did you say your name was?"

"Serena," she replied, turning back to John, the clerk. "I'm Sarah, nice to meet you," she introduced herself, using the undercover name that she made up a few years back. John shook her hand and said, "Y'know, you look really similar to the Kalos Queen." Serena was silent as she stared at John, whose smile slowly faded as he focused more on her hidden face. "Wait... exactly like the Kalos Queen," he said in shock.

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