Chapter 8: Chosen Poison

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Even if Jacksonville was far from being my dream city, I had to admit that the possibility of having your morning coffee while staring at the sea was comforting.

Rosalie was upstairs taking a shower and getting ready. Edward had gone up to do the same. They were trying so hard to keep the human charade up.

"Still an early bird, I see" I got startled as I heard Renee's voice.

My head snapped to the door of the kitchen, where she was staring at me. Her eyes were wondering, almost like she was trying to figure me out.

"I guess" I shrugged my shoulders and went back into staring at the tide. Hoping that she would just leave.

"Which college are you choosing?" she asked me casually as she served herself a cup of coffee "Charlie mentioned that you have a few choices"

"I didn't know that you were talking to Charlie" I took a sip of my mug.

It did surprise me. Apparently calling her ex was normal but her youngest daughter was out of the question.

"I call people that pick up the phone" she replied in the same tone as I spoke before.

I rolled my eyes.

"So?" Renee questioned again "Which college?"

"I still don't know" I squinted my eyes slightly at her. Even if I did why would I tell her.

Renee's face was crumpled up in a scowl.

"You don't know? Or you do not want to tell me?" she was angry.

I remained silent. This was a game I was tired of playing.

"Ok, fine" she left the cup on top of the kitchen counter and took the seat in front of me "If you do not want to talk about school, let's change the subject"

"Fine" I arched an eyebrow "Choose the poison"

"Always so witty, darling" her smile was defiant, like she was calling me off in a bluff "I actually wanted to talk about this attitude of yours"

"Attitude?" I almost couldn't control my snort.

"You are different" she pointed out, too perky for my liking "You drag her here"

"I didn't drag Rosalie" I smirked "If you had at least the courtesy to speak to her then you would realize that you cannot make that woman do anything she doesn't want to"

"Seems like you know her a little too much" Renee's eye was almost twitching with disapproval.

"Of course I know my girlfriend" I laughed.

I was lying about the current status of our relationship but it served its purpose and even if I knew that Rosalie could hear me, at this point I did not care. Later I would worry about that, for now I wanted to make it clear to my mother that I had gone on with my life, even when she did not approve.

"So it's official" Renee grinded her teeth.

"If by official you mean that both Bella and Charlie know, then yes" no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face "What I don't get is what you have against me being gay?"

"You are not gay, darling" Renee smacked her tongue, I arched an eyebrow at her "You are so desperate for love that you would take the crumbs you could get, besides I don't hate gay people, my hairdresser is gay and I think he is such a good guy"

"Ok" I took a huge breath "Your hatred is not against gay people, just me"

"Don't be ridiculous" she leaned back on the chair.

False God | Rosalie Haleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें