Chapter 2: Chatting

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"Why do we have to come to this?" I groaned as I dropped to one of the chairs that had been settled in the gym.

"It's mandatory" Emmett rolled his eyes and took a seat next to me "I think it is rather entertaining"

"It isn't baby" Maggie groaned sitting at the other side of Emmett.

The principal had cancelled the last three classes of the day, for a conference to 'prevent' drinking a driving and prevention of STDs.

"Horny teenagers talking about sex" Jasper turned around from his seat in front of us "I might escape mid lecture"

"I'll cover for you" I promised feeling sorry for my friend, more times than not his pathokinesis was a huge downside.

"Thank you for saving me a seat" I shivered when I heard her voice, someone had slipped into the free seat next to me but I was too focused on my friends to realize.

Slowly I turned to the owner of the voice. Of course I knew who was it, my mind had memorized her voice.


"Hi" I bit my lip with a tight smile, blush was creeping into my cheeks.

I had not been really saving her a seat, she wasn't supposed to be here. Maggie said yesterday that she had gone hunting and I presumed that she would've taken the rest of the week. Obviously it was not the case.

"You came back early" I noted, clearing my throat. Doing my best to keep my eyes on her face and not wandering over her figure.

"You are here" Maggie snickered at her blonde sister, eying her up and down shamelessly "You look like a mess"

Rosalie was not wearing anything too flashy or classy as she often did but she was far from looking like a mess.

Her hair looked wind tousled but it was likely because she had run here. Her black blouse and black jeans were clinging into her body like a second flesh, accentuating the blossom of her chest and her long legs.

It was her hunting outfit. Why did she come to school dressed like that? Rosalie had told me multiple times that even if she did not get dirty while hunting due to her amazing reflexes, she still liked to take a shower and clean up after. That it made her feel a little more human. So why was Rosalie here now? It was not like she would do bad on her grades if she ditched school for a couple days. Rosalie had an MD and was MIT graduate.

Suddenly I became a little too aware of a lot of eyes staring and us. Staring at her.

"You didn't change clothes" Alice frowned in disapproval "You are staining our reputation of having good sense of fashion"

"The humans are hardly complaining" Emmett smacked his tongue and glared at the guys behind us that were openly drooling for the blonde next to me.

I bit my tongue to prevent making a comment, I no longer had the right to make.

The murmurs were getting louder and hard to ignore.

"I would love to hit that rack!" A boy two rows behind exclaimed, making me turn slightly. He was making some obscene gesture to his stupid friends, they all laughed.

Rosalie's shoulders slumped slightly. That was what did it.

Before I knew it, I was standing glaring daggers to that idiot "As if she would settle for someone as pathetic as you"

The whole gym fell silent.


With scarlet cheeks I quickly took my seat back, shrugging off the knee long cardigan and offering it to Rosalie.

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