Eleven: Mother Knows Best

Comenzar desde el principio

Unknown Number: hello lmao

Me: how did you get my number...? and why...? I'm very confused

Knox: Randy. figured he would find it less suspicious than Dev who would go full-on overprotective brother interrogating mode. anyway, can I talk to you?

Me: yeah, he would probably try to get you to do a background check or something. and sure I guess. what's up?

Knox: when did you realize you were gay?

Me: uh. I think I was ten or eleven. why?

Knox: I was curious

Me: ok...
Me: is that all?

Knox: uh yeah that's it

Me: spit it out, I don't care lol

Knox: how did you know?

Me: I had only ever found guys attractive lmfao

Knox: that's one way of learning

Me: certainly. also the most common.

Knox: right, yeah, sure
Knox: hypothetically, let's say you liked girls when you were younger but now you have no interest in them. let's also say your parents are insanely strict and are putting pressure on you to propose to a girl that they approve of the summer after your sophomore year of college. is the no longer feeling attracted to women a result of the parents forcing you to find a girlfriend and stay with her, or should this person look for an 'are you gay' quiz on Buzzfeed? asking for a friend...

Me: huh. well, I can't really tell anyone why they're feeling what they are. its not really my body, you know? but I would like to say to this person that 1. I am sorry their parents are like that 2. don't ever use quizzes. bad idea. seriously, please don't 3. you don't need to figure anything out right now, you've got tons of time! don't rush it!!! 4. if this person ever needs someone to talk to I'm always here :)

Knox: my friend says thank you lol
Knox: I'm scared. my parents wouldn't be happy if they found out I was gay or bi or something. and the school isn't overly welcoming, either. I have no idea how Randy is so chill with everything between you guys. I would be so terrified

Me: I'm sorry :( one question though; do you know if you're attracted to guys? or are you just not attracted to anyone? of course, if you're comfortable with answering

Knox: yeah, I like guys. wow, that felt weird to say. but I actually have a crush on one and I have since the day I met him, pretty much

Me: well, that's kinda... I think you know what it is. are you certain it's romantic attraction and not aesthetic attraction? I know it may not seem like it, but they are two different things

Knox: do wet dreams count towards romantic?

Me: enough said

Knox: so then whats the best way to know for sure?

Me: you really can't. time and experimentation are really the only two ways to know. I, however, figured it out without the experimentation part

Knox: what do you mean by experimentation?

Me: do things with guys like you would with girls and see if you enjoy it or not lmao

Knox: OH

Me: I mean I would normally volunteer butttt I would rather have my first kiss with someone I'm actually somewhat interested in

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