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I call to tell my mom about the email, just before I leave to go pick up Landon from school. It's Friday night and I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with my brother, after a weird, long week, but I just have to tell someone about the exhibit opportunity.

   "That is so amazing, Holden! Did you call them back?" Mom asks me, and she sounds so different than she did that afternoon. She doesn't seem upset or unsure.

   "Not yet. I will. I'm trying to decide what to say. What kind of questions should I ask? I mean, an exhibit of my work? In New York?"

    It's obviously still hitting me that it's a possibility that this could actually happen.

   "You deserve it, honey. It sounds amazing!" my mom goes on.

   "Thanks. Did you still want to talk about anything?" I decide that asking now is a good time, after telling her my good news.

   "Oh, no. I'm glad to hear from you about this, though! When are you going to get Landon?"

   "Just going out the door," I finish, and whistle for Honey to follow me.

   "Okay, sweetie. Drive safe. Talk to you soon and let me know when you find out more about that!" She sounds so excited and back to her normal self, so I breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Of course," I say, then push open my back door to go outside.


"Dude! Your own exhibit? Holy shit, that's amazing!" Landon says, after I tell him about it, as well.

   We are already almost back to the the house and it's almost 8P.M.

   "Yeah. It feels a bit scary, actually. Or maybe just unreal, right now," I admit.

   "Well, it'll be wicked. Oh my god, I can go to New York this summer, to see it!" My brother's so excited and I almost feel bad, because it's not a for sure thing yet.

   "Slow down. I have to get all the details," I tell him, then laugh.

   "I haven't been to New York, Holden. Let me be excited," he says seriously.

   Back in the house, I go into my studio while Landon plops down the couch and calls Julia. It's a big, open room on the main floor, just off the kitchen, and there a few big windows that look out over the water. I love this room, which was a dining room when we were growing up. I always feel good when I step into my studio. Now, though, I feel overwhelmed. What kind of pieces would they want for the exhibit?  Will I have to work non stop to do enough in time? Will anyone even want to go to see them?

   I finally take a deep breath in and decide to send back an email, first. I can get my thoughts together and send my questions and concerns, and then go from there.


   Thank you so much for the email! I'm so glad you like my pieces in the museum. I had a partnership with them for a year and it was an amazing time in my life. I'm back in my hometown in Maine, now, and mostly doing commission work.

   I feel really honored that you would like to do an exhibit of my art. Maybe we can plan a call to go over the details? I'm available any time and my number is 555-0997.

   Holden Prescott

I wake up feeling refreshed and I smell bacon cooking as soon as I open my bedroom door. It's only 8A.M. but coffee is brewing, too. God, I love my brother. We have breakfast together and drink back my coffee fast, moving on to a second cup before going into the studio again. 

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