Chapter THREE

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I eat breakfast - eggs, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice - at the big wooden table in Nella and George's beautiful kitchen. All of the appliances are stainless steel and everything is practically sparkling. I wonder if it's weird for Nella to have a house this nice, since we grew up in an old cottage type house on the water, with nothing really nice or fancy. It's weird for me, that she has a house this nice.

George, Nella and I chat a bit about nothing and I stare at Willow, who's back in her high chair with more food. Toddlers eat a lot, I am figuring out. I notice there's music playing from a speaker on top of the fridge. As soon as my stomach is full, Nella pours me a coffee and hands it to me, black. She still knows me.

"So, I wish you could stay here, Maya, but we just renovated the third bedroom to make it the nursery and it's all set up for when this baby arrives, and-"

I hold up my hand, my stomach twisting up. Of course Nella would feel bad about this. She would invite me to stay, if she could. But would I have accepted? I don't expect anything from her.

"No, no," I say, stopping her. "I just came here right away because I needed you to know that I was back. I'm okay at a hotel for a few nights, and then..."

"Have you talked to dad?" she asks, but I figure it's obvious from the look on my face that I have not. "He's... got that whole house to himself."

"I'm not talking to him, let alone staying with him, Nella," I say, shutting down that idea right away.

"You can afford a hotel? And what's the plan after that?"

She doesn't know that I worked very hard over the last six months and saved every penny that I could. Even though leaving Albany was a last minute decision, a part of me had been planning it. Or at least hoping for it.

I nod, but I can tell she's not sure. "I'll get a job, get an apartment."

"The new buildings by the harbour are nice," George adds, and I can tell he's just trying to help. He's likely surprised that I'm planning on staying in Boothbay.

"They are too expensive," Nella says, shaking her head. "She's better off renting a place close to here, in the suburbs."

"There's no suburbs in Boothbay, Nell," George laughs, and Willow shrieks happily.

"I can help you look at places this week," Nella says to me, as if I asked her. "Oh, do you think Marcus could find some places that are available?" Now she's talking to George again.

He nods without hesitation. "I'll give him a call."

Everything is happening really fast and I just look down at my black coffee. As soon as the cup is at my lips, I feel a bit better. At least Nella isn't mad that I came back. She might be, once she knows the whole truth, but for now we are okay. I have coffee. And Ryland doesn't know where I am. I'm okay. I'm safe.

An hour later, I feel like I've over stayed my welcome already. They don't make me feel that way, but I am sort of in the way and I can tell that they have a schedule that I'm messing up. I knew they didn't expect to entertain me all day.

"I was looking on my phone, and there's rooms open at the Spruce Point Inn," I say to Nella. She's on the floor doing a simple puzzle with Willow, though Willow is mostly throwing the pieces around. I'm on the sofa, watching. George disappeared a little while ago, but I am sure he is still home.

"That's all the way down at the harbour. The Ocean Point is just a five minute drive from here," she says, not even looking at me. Has she already planned this out for me?

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