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It's the next weekend again before I know it. The week flies by as I work a couple of nights, babysit Willow all day on Thursday and go to Marcus' Friday night.

   There's something so comforting about the way things are right now. It feels a bit more serious with Marcus, but only when we are together. Neither of us is clingy. We don't text or call each other much, to check in. I go days without talking to him. I just spend approximately one night a week in his bed, where he treats me like a queen and touches me in all the right places. He's not complaining, either. I've gotten to know what he likes. And, god, do I like watching him as he falls apart because of me.

   We wake up on Saturday, blankets everywhere and our legs tangled. Waking up in bed next to him definitely feels like it changes something between us, but I try to ignore that. Me sleeping over has only happened a couple of times.

   "Hey beautiful," Marcus mumbles, stretching out his body. I see his bare chest out of the corner of my eye.

   "Morning," I smile, then turn away to reach for my phone. I haven't checked it since I got to his house around 8P.M. the previous evening.

   There are two texts and a missed call. The call is from Nella, plus one of the texts. The other text is from Kayleigh, asking if I can go into work an hour earlier than I was supposed to.
I sent back texts to both of them and look at Marcus again.

   "I have to be at work at 2P.M."

   "Ah. I can drive you, if you want. I have nothing going on today." He just has his lazy smile on his face and I know he wants me to stay there in his bed, for awhile. He's interested in round two... or I guess it would be three.

   It's sometime after 10A.M., which is crazy because I rarely sleep in. I've always been an early riser. But I guess we were up late, with rounds one and two.

   I know I need to go home and change and shower. It would be nice to spend the morning being lazy with Marcus, but I need to put my foot down at this point. 

   "I should actually go home," I say, hoping he doesn't take it the wrong way. "You know, before work."

   "Right. Yeah, of course. Can I just hop in the shower? Then I'll take you."

   I nod and watch him jump up and pull on his boxers. He doesn't even look back before heading into his attached bathroom. I can't decide if he's upset or not, and I hear the shower going a minute later.

   I get up and pull on my clothes from the night before. It feels gross but I suck it up and then go downstairs. I start the coffee maker and then wait, the minutes feeling like hours. There's a large mirror on the opposite wall and I catch my reflection. My make up is smeared and my hair is a mess. But more than that, I wonder who I am now. Nella's sister? The girl Marcus is sleeping with? Or am I still just the girl who's mom died and then she ran away?

   "You ready?" Marcus asks, stepping into the kitchen.

   He's dressed, but it's joggers and a tight t-shirt. I can see his muscles. His hair is still wet. That's the moment I realize I really want to figure out who I am. To him, to everyone.

   "Yeah. There's coffee," I say, pointing.


   He goes past me and pours himself a travel cup. As he's pushing on the lid, he glanced at me. "We good?"

   "Yeah. Yes."


   In the parking lot of my building fifteen minutes later, he leans over and kisses my cheek. "See you tomorrow for dinner?"

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