Second try

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(Jay's POV)

It had to be around 8 AM, but I hadn't checked the time in forever. I had Sun at my place, desperately trying to make him look new. I knew I would have to power him on soon to check on Moon's face and everything, and I was nervous. The last thing he said to me was that he wanted to be decommissioned, I had no idea how emotional he might be.

He clothes were completely ruined. I changed him into some of mine I never wear, it was awkward, I had no idea why they built him with certain human like pieces. I put him in sweats and a tee shirt. I felt bad, he loved his uniform. I had some paint, and cleaned up his chipping, and wiped the ashes from his face. He was lucky to have made it out in the shape he did. The only big issue I was was a bit of one of his rays we're missing, but I think he would be okay.

I had him charging for awhile, I decided it might be time to turn him on and check on Moon. When he was off he always defaulted to Sun. I powered him on and he switched over before Sun could even open his eyes.

Moon opened his eyes slowly, and looked around little effort behind his eyes. He had some ashes on his face, but nothing too major. He looked at me, and just closed his eyes again, leaning his head against the wall, not even questioning what was going on. He just look defeated.

"Hey.. you okay?"

No response. He just kept his eyes closed.

I took a baby wipe and began to clean the ashes off his face. We sat in utter silence, and he didn't move at all. He was hurt, and I don't think any programming could help him understand how he was feeling.

He deserved to know what was happening to Y/N, I didn't want to keep them from each other anymore.

"So.. Y/N is in the hospital"

He opened his eyes to that finally, still looking drained.

"They're okay. They just have some respiratory irritation from the smoke. The doctors are going to do some tests to make sure the amount of smoke they inhaled won't cause any long term affects. If the tests come back fine, they will go home tomorrow"

He closed his eyes again and put his head back against the wall and continued to let me clean him.

"They miss you and they're worried about you. They understand, and they aren't made"

"I am just going to hurt them again."

"Well you're going to hurt them even more by not seeing them ever again."

There was a thick silence again. I noticed a little oil spilling out of his eyes. I forgot he could cry, him and Sun were usually so happy.

I wiped the tear with a baby wipe and tried to think of the best thing to say to them. I couldn't bring them to Y/N being like this.

"You need to see them, or I will leave you here until you agree. You love them, and if you really do you wouldn't run away from your problems. It's going to be hard, but if you really cared about them, you wouldn't do this. You owe so much to them, and you're not going to repay it?"

He opened his eyes again and began to ball his eyes out.

"I just don't know what to do"

"Just love them. That's all you need to do."


I was so thankful for the doctors and nurses for taking care of me, but I wanted nothing more then to go home and just accept everything that just happened.

My chest was still on fire with pain, but the thought that Sun and Moon could be scrapped hurt worse.

It hurt to try to understand everything that was happening. One second, everything was fine, and the next it all fell apart.

Every hour nurses would come in and check on me, I couldn't even get the rest I needed. I guess it wasn't that bad, because every time I feel asleep, I dreamt of Moon or Sun, and they weren't good dreams.
Even though he was the worst, I was hoping Jay would come by soon. I wanted an update. I wanted to understand what was going to happen.

The doctor had run many tests on me and came in the room to tell me the results.

"Good morning Y/N, how are you feeling?"


"I can imagine. Are you ready to discuss your results?"

"Yeah.. yeah I think I am"

"Okay, we'll good news, you seem to be good on the other tests we ran. But, for right now you're going to have to be on bed rest for awhile. Your lungs are extremely irrated. You got lucky, really. We can't promise there won't be issues in the future, but there are none we can currently predict."

Thank god.

"That's a relief."

"Agreed. You need to be on bed rest for at least a week, then probably need a month off of work. And you need to stay on these meds for 2 months, and drink so much water. Do you have anyone who can get you?"

"Um yeah.. what time is it?"

"10 AM"

"Let me call my friend, can I check out now?"

"As soon as you have a ride home"

I stepped out of my hospital bed, and felt extremely weak. I was honestly in so much pain it worried me. I walked out of the room and called Jay, he answered sounding very tired.

"Hey.. can you pick me up? Like now"

"Yeah .. yeah i'm on my way."

"Can we go see Sun and Moon..? I need to see them.. I need to get them from Fazbear... i'll do anything. Please Jay"

"Yeah.. we can figure something out" he said in a enthusiastic tone.


"See Moon, I told you they want to see you. Now come on, stop moping around"

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