Chapter 15

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"Hands up!" I heard someone yell. My team is here to save me. They better hurry up. I'm dying.

Bangchan POV

We tackled Minho to the ground and handcuffed him. While we did so, he laughed like a maniac.

"Exactly, this is how it should be," he said while laughing.

"Shut up," I said to him and ordered the others to get him in the car. Me and Seungmin helped Melinda get in the ambulance that we called just in case.


Me and our team where thinking hard. Where could he have taken Melinda? Where is she being held hostage? Our thought got interrupted by Jeongin.

"Guys! Come here, hurry!" We all ran to his place.

"Our Melinda is clever. She put a tracer inside her pocket," he said.

"Thank lord. Let's get going. Make sure to call an ambulance and backup," I said to the others. They nod.

This is how we found her.

End of Flashback

Changbin POV

Me and Felix is interrogating this serial killer.

"Let me ask you some questions, Lee Minho," I began.

"Why did you kill these girls?" I asked as I placed photos of the victims body one by one. He burst out laughing.

"Why did I kill them?" He said in between his laugh.
"They all seemed to like playing games, so I lured them into mine," he said, smiling. He didn't even hesitate in confessing.
"I gave them time to hide, but they didn't even try at all. It just got boring."
"So I dug into their stomach, it was awfully bloody as you might know....But I found myself smiling afterwards," he once again laughed.

"You find this funny?" I said. What do I expect. He is a psychopath, he probably feel satisfied with everything that's happening right now.

"Do you even have any idea how much fun it is? To chase after someone who is weaker than you?" He said, chuckling. I was about to beat the fuck out of him, but Felix calmed me down.

"You should've seen each of their faces, while their guts were hanging out. I cut their limbs one by one," he said. I can clearly see he is trying to get on my nerves. I couldn't hold it in anymore and punched him in the face. Felix separated us, trying to calm me down. Then I hear Minho laugh again, while laying on the floor. This time with blood in his mouth due to my punch some seconds ago.

"This piece of shit," I was about to punch again, but Felix held me back.

"Calm down, baby. You can get fired because of this," Felix said. I calmed down, and sat back down on the chair. Same did Minho.

"This isn't how a detective should treat a human," he said.

"Human, my ass. You are just a psychotic bastard," I stated. He glared at me.

"What? Did it trigger you?" I asked teasingly.

"Your old coworker Han Jisung said the same, when I was killing him," Minho said, smiling.

"Dare bring him up!" I yelled. He chuckled again. How many times have this bastard chuckled or laughed? I swear to god. Don't even want to guess.

The air was to thick, so me and Felix went out of the room to take a break. Suddenly Jeongin came running to us.

"Guys! We found Choi Rachel aka Melinda's mother dead. But this isn't how Minho used to kill his victims. This time it's even worse," he said and showed us the crime photos.

I sighed. I feel bad for Melinda. She's gone through a lot. Not only her, but the other victims too. Me and Felix decided to go back in the room to continue interrogating him.

Melinda POV

Bright light shined on me as I opened my eyes, making me squint my eyes. I started getting used to it and opened them all the way up.

"Melinda? Can you hear me?" I heard someone say. I turned to that direction and saw Bangchan. I nod.

"Seungmin, she's awake. Call for the doctors," he said. The doctors came rushing some seconds later. Checked my eyes to see if I have gained consciousness. Which I have.

"Every thing looks okay. If she's ready, she can get discharged today," the doctor said. They nod understanding.

"What happened at the building?" Seungmin asked me. I ended up telling them what happened from when I talked to him on the phone and till I lost consciousness. in detail. What he said to me and what he did. What my mom and him had in common.
And why he killed his parents.

"I've actually never been this scared of a serial killer before," I stated.

"He's really creepy then, let's be aware. He's a dangerous man," Bangchan said.

Back to Changbin POV

Felix opened the door to the interrogation room. There he sat, humming to a korean lullaby called hide and seek.

"~Hide well, I might see your hair~"

PSYCHOPATH || Lee MinhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora