Chapter 7

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I will be taking a brake today too, so today's plan is to visit my parents. They probably missed me.

I got ready and drove off.


I arrived. I haven't texted them yet. I want it to be a surprise visit. I knocked on the door. The door opened, there was my mom. She hasn't changed at all. She still looked the same as before. I gave her a big smile and hugged her. She looked shocked and happy at the same time. Tears threatening to fall.

"I missed you so much my daughter," she said, happy tears falling down.

Let me introduce you my mom. Her name is Mrs. Rachel. She worked as a teacher, but not anymore. She resigned, like my dad Mr. David did. They met at the same middle school, ever since then they have been together. They are now official married.


We sat down on the sofa. Mom fixed some tea for all of us.

"So how was it in London?" Dad asked me.

"It was great! I hope I can go back, I miss my friends and coworkers. I had to move back to Korea, because of work," I said.

"What do you guys work on now?" My dad asked curious.

"We are trying to find the serial killer," I said.

"Be careful darling. And don't put to much pressure on it," My mom said. She is always worried something bad will happen to me.

"Don't worry mom. I will be okay," I said smiling.

"So how's love life going?" Dad asked, having a teasing smirk on. Why are all parents like this.

"To be honest, I have someone I really like, but I don't know if he likes me back," I said, fikling with my fingers.

"Oooo, what's his name?" Mom asked.

"Minho," I answered.

"I got a picture of us two if you want to see," they nod. I showed them the picture, also telling them that we took it when we were at the cinema together.

"Lee Minho?" She said looking closer.

"Yes. Wait. How did you know?" I asked confused. How does she know his full name?

"He was my student. I think it was in elementary school," she said.

"Ooo, that's cool. How was he as a student? Did he study well?" I asked, wanting to know about his childhood. She began to fikle with her fingers. Was she nervous to tell me, but why?

"He-" she began, but got interrupted by someone calling me. I looked at the caller. It's my boss, Bangchan.

"Sorry, I got to answer this," I excused myself.

~~ on the phone.

Bangchan: Come to ********. There is a new murder case.

Me: Okay! I will come as fast as possible.


I ended the call.

"Sorry, but I got to go. There is a new murder case," I said. They nod and waved me a goodbye. I rush out of the house and went to the crime scene. When I arrived there were already a bunch of people and reporters. I push myself through the crowd and showed one of the police officers my id card. They let me in.

"You're here," Bangchan said, as he came walking towards me.

"As you can see, it's the killer again," he said. I can see that very well. Nothing has changed. The only difference is that it's another female. The victims legs and arms were tied with cable ties. She was naked, meaning she was raped. She was found in a garbage can. She was stabbed multiple times.

"Wait, let me check something," I said and walked up to the body. I checked if a hair strand was cut off. And yes it was.

"What is it?" Bangchan asked.

"Just checking if a hair strand was cut off," I answered. He nod. Something then immediately caught my attention. A person. The person was wearing a black cap and black mask, making his/her face unknown. The person somehow looked suspicious. The person then walked away.

"What is it this time?" Bangchan asked again.

"I just saw a person. He or she looked very suspicious. I think I have to check the CCTV," I said.

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