Chapter 7

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"Food is ready," Minho said as he placed the food on the table.

"This Tteokbokki looks and smell delicious!" Hyunjin said exited. We all then began to dig in.

"This is just PERFECT," I said, enjoying the food.

Some minutes later we finished our food, so me and Hyunjin sat down on the sofa to find something to watch. And Minho is doing the dishes.

"Umm...Rosie.." Hyunjin said. He looked like he was hesitating if he should finish the sentence or not.

"What is it?" I asked curious.

"I don't want you to get mad at me for saying this, but I get this weird feeling about your boyfriend," He said. Memories came flashing back to me. I remembered my mom said the same thing before she was killed. Am I the only one that don't feel the odd aura around Minho?
My thoughts got interrupted when I heard Hyunjin calling my name.

"Rosie? You okay?" I heard him ask me.

"What? Ah..yes" I said. He looked worried.

"Found a movie yet?" Minho said sitting besides me.

"Not yet," Hyunjin said. He nod.

Minutes passed and we finally found a movie to watch. It's called Voice. It's a horror movie. We need something scary since it's Halloween. We all were under a blanket so that we could be comfortable.

As we were watching I felt a hand on leg. I know it's Minho, so I said, "not now." He pouted.

Hours later and the movie finished. We all were tired so we went to bed. Me and Minho in one and Hyunjin in the guestroom.

I woke up. It was 1:00am. I couldn't sleep for some reason. I then remembered the room. I want to unlock the door, but I need the key. I took this chance to find the key.

I looked around when I saw his bag. I opened it and emptied all pockets. That's when I saw a key. I took it and went towards the door. I hoped the key was the owner of this door. I twisted the key and heard a click, which means it's unlocked.

"Yes!" I yell-whispered. I opened the door and it was all dark and cold, making me shiver. I went inside, trying to find the light switch. I found it, so I turned the light on.

I stopped breathing. My heart felt like it was shattered to pieces. The feeling of fear went through my body. There were thousands of pictures of females. Not just some ordinary pictures. They were corpses. They were all dead. Then one picture caught my eye.

"m-mom?" I said, tears rushing down my eyes. It was him. It was him all this time. Minho was the serial killer this whole fucking time.

"Surprise." I heard a familiar voice say. Minho. I turned around to see him smiling like a maniac. He took some steps towards me, making me back off. He chuckled.

"You scared of me?" He asked, tilting his head.

"HYUNJIN," I screamed. He then began to laugh like a maniac. His laugh sent shivers down my spine.

"I don't think he will hear you. He is in a very big sleep," he said while chuckling. My heart stopped. Don't say h-he killed H-Hyunjin

Flashback ( Mention of death of a skz member..Sorry.😭 I feel so bad)

Minho POV

As expected. She wasn't sleeping. I walked to Hyunjin's room or the guestroom and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Hyunjin asked irritated. He was probably sleeping.

"It's Minho," I said. He opened the door. I walked towards him slowly, making him back off.

"What do you want?" He asked curious. I gave him one of my killer smiles. I took out my knife that I killed the detective with. He backed off scared I might stab him.

"What do you get by doing this?" He suddenly asked with fear in his eyes.

"What I get? Umm... the thrill?" I answered, and with that I stabbed him. And as usual, twisted the knife.

Rosie POV

"You see these pictures? They are my artworks. You like them?" He asked me.

"You sick. Go see a doctor," I said, trying to sound confident, but inside I am actually scared as hell.

"You are just like that detective. What was his name again? Han Jisung. He said the same," He said.

"Anyways. Come with me," He said and grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me upstairs to our bedroom.

"You probably very tired," He said as he laid us both on the bed. Blankets over us. I had no choice, but to listen to him. You never know what will happen.

Minho stroked my hair, making me feel sleepy.

"Good girl." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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