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"Okay, everyone!" Seokjin's mother called out as they sat around the table for their family dinner she had organized. "Time to say grace." Everyone joined hands and bowed their heads as Seokjin's mother began to pray. "God, I am thankful for my beautiful grandpups, including the very lucky pups that are soon to be adopted by two wonderful parents." Yoongi and Seokjin shared a look.

"Yes," Namjoon ignored the female omega who glared at him for interrupting prayer time. "That is amazing. Really inspiring stuff guys."

Seokjin giggled nervously. "Yeah, about that..."

Yoongi jumped in for him as he noticed his mate was struggling with figuring out how to share the news. "We discussed it thoroughly and decided not to move forward with the foster thing." The entire family forgot about the interrupted prayer and stared at the couple in shock.

"Yeah," Seokjin continued, "we just realized we hadn't thought it through properly-"

Seokjin was cut off by Namjoon letting out a breath of relief. "Oh my god, this is great news." Yoongi and Seokjin stared at the alpha in confusion. "I mean, we were being supportive to your faces but-"

"We all thought you were out of your minds." Hoseok cut in.

"I never said anything." Seokjin's mom pointed out. "But I am thankful to hear this."

"What?!" Seokjin exclaimed. "Why?!" Yoongi quietly tried to calm his mate down but failed. "No, I would be 'thankful' to know why you all have a problem with this!"

"I never had a problem with it!" Bora, Seokjin and Hoseok's sister jumped in.

Her mate, Youngho, agreed. "Yeah, I think it's great! Have a couple of pups without the pregnancy and the hormones and the...rage."

"Stop talking." Bora glared at her mate as their mother started talking again.

"Jinnie, all I'm saying is that we're thankful that you and Yoongi are gonna experience having the love of your own beautiful pups rather than..."

"Rather than what?" Yoongi asked, now as fired up as his mate. "Just spit it out!"

Instead of Seokjin's mother, it was Namjoon that responded. "Rather than just rolling the dice with the offspring of some criminal or drug addict."

Hoseok nodded. "To be honest, we were worried about our real pups' safety-" Seokjin made an exclamation of shock at his brother's words, "-were they to hang out with your pups if they're-"

"Damaged goods?" Yoongi finished for Hoseok in anger. "When I was growing up, a lot of people thought I was damaged goods too."

"But we're not talking about you, Yoongi." Namjoon assured him. "We're talking about crack pups and pups who have been sexually harassed."

"'Sexually harassed'?" Yoongi let out a laugh of disbelief. "You mean like their parents made lewd comments?"

Namjoon shook his head. "You know what I mean."

Seokjin jumped in at that point, staring at his brother. "Hoseok, you of all people. What if you can't have a pup?"

"Do not put that out into the universe!" Hoseok glared at the other omega.

"But what if you can't?!" Seokjin pressed. "What are you gonna do?!"

Bora rolled her eyes and glared at Hoseok. "If you don't stop going nuts over this pup thing, I swear to god I am going to get pregnant again this afternoon just to spite you, and you know I can do it."

"I'm sorry if we're not as politically correct as you guys," Namjoon moved back to the conversation at hand, "but our pup has to be our blood." Hoseok nodded in agreement. "What do you think about this, Sungho?"

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