"Usagi... don't tell me that you did that!" Luna squeaked. "You're in your second year of middle school, you know! But I'm not even sure if I can say this! You wet the bed!"

Usagi couldn't speak, for she was shocked as well as embarrassed. But then, she noticed the covers of her blanket begin to move and shuffle and heard a sleepy murmur that came from underneath them. So she lifted the covers, and she and Luna saw who the real bedwetter was.

On the bed, having a stain on her pajama bottoms and still fast asleep, was Chibiusa. Usagi's face grew red with fury as she let out another scream that was enough to wake the entire neighborhood.



Meanwhile, in the UFO, Rubeus spoke with Wiseman via projection. Wiseman was waving his hands on his crystal ball as he took a glimpse into the future.

"I foresee when the sun rises at the break of dawn," Wiseman spoke. "There will be an energy burst at an overpass in the district called Juuban."

"An overpass in the Juuban District, you say?" repeated Rubeus. "And who will produce this energy?"

"It is the Rabbit!" Wisemen said.

"I will get the four Spectre Sisters to keep an eye on that area, Wiseman," said Rubeus. "By the way, Wiseman, how are things in your century? Has Crystal Tokyo fallen yet? Our clan should have taken over most of the area by now."

"Unfortunately, we have yet to make any progress," said Wiseman grimly. "The Crystal Points around the castle are bursting with powerful energy."

"Do you have any idea where the energy could be coming from?" asked Rubeus.

"The Four Guardians of Crystal Tokyo," replied Wiseman. "They're the ones who are producing this energy and are constantly standing in our way. Not only that, but our troops have got held back by one single warrior who utilizes a powerful light to take down our troops one after the other."

"In this world, there are also five guardians who have constantly been foiling our plans," Rubeus hummed thoughtfully. "They're known as the Guardians. I wonder if they have some connection between them and the Five Guardians of Crystal Tokyo?"

"You must find the Silver Crystal and destroy it," Wiseman said. "For I fear, for as long as it continues to remain here in this era, it will continue to cause problems for the Black Moon Clan."

The projection of Wiseman then faded away, leaving Rubeus alone thinking.

"Spectre Sisters!" Rubeus called out. "I have orders for you! Show yourselves!"


Back at the Tsukino house, Shingo and Harusuke watched Usagi as she was now cleaning her futon after Chibiusa had wet it. Shingo couldn't help but feel bemused and amused, snickering as Usagi whacked the futon with her beater.

"I know you're known for being an idiot, Usagi, but bed-wetting at your age is beyond lame," laughed Shingo.

"Would you stop saying that?!" Usagi snapped, stomping over to Shingo. "Get it through your thick head! I didn't wet my bed! Chibiusa did it!"

"Oh, sure. Blame it on the kid who can't defend herself," scoffed Shingo. "Just be a woman and admit to your own mistake, right, Harusuke?"

Harusuke didn't answer, for he was feeling a bit sleepy after the dream he just had, letting out a yawn as he rubbed his eyes. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever," he mumbled.

A Sailor Moon Fanfiction: The Pledge of the Sun.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon