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Yeona is completely enthralled by the letter in her hand, her attention so focused on it, that she is taken by surprise as she hears a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in." She murmurs quietly, as she folds the note, and stashes it with the ring in her bedside drawer.

Taemin enters the room, his expression is neutral, though Yeona can feel his concern, and she sits back, her nerves bubbling up as she prepares for the conversation coming, knowing that it is well overdue.

"You saw Jonghyun, didn't you?" Taemin asks.

Yeona is surprised by the softness in Taemin's tone, it throws her off-guard a little, having totally expected him to be upset with her. She takes a moment before nodding at him, she knows that she must look a mess, though she slept well, it was a long night, and she has not been looking after herself for a while now.

"I did." She replies, wanting to be clear and honest from the start, "I needed to."

Taemin sighs, but it is not a sign of annoyance towards his best friend, but that of an internal battle. He watched Yeona fall apart over this man, his friend, and he felt guilt and disdain towards him because of it. He saw the way that Yeona yearned for Jonghyun when he left, and he did not want to see her go through that again. It terrified him, he felt so close to losing her, and it worried him that it could happen again.

"It's always going to be him, isn't it?" Taemin asks, "You're never going to move on."

It sounds pathetic when Taemin says it out loud, and Yeona doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. It is true, Jonghyun has her heart, always and forever, and as she hears Taemin's words, it only further solidifies the promise that she and Jonghyun made.

"We're going to make it work," Yeona declares, "This time, with the knowledge that I can cope without him, even if I don't want to. We are going to make it work."

Taemin smiles at Yeona, seeing a glimpse of the girl that he knew before her heart was broken. Strong-willed, determined and brave, he trusts her, and he curses himself for ever thinking that she would not find her way.

"I still hate hyung a bit," He replies, though the usage of honorific speaks otherwise, "But I guess I'll give him a rest, for now."

Yeona laughs wholeheartedly, so relieved to have Taemin back to his normal self, too. She knows that these past few months have been rough on him, trying to lead their group, keep his relationship afloat and look after her too.

"I love you, Taemin." Yeona tells him, "Thank you for standing beside me on this."

Taemin shakes his head, his eyes shut as he smiles. He doesn't want her thanks, he is just grateful to have her back at all.

"We are going to do a final practice in an hour," He says, "I think the members would really appreciate it if you came along."

Yeona nods, she would never miss a practice, and she feels much more comfortable now that Taemin knows, now that she has support behind her for when she will tell the others about her and Jonghyun reuniting.

"I just need to shower and get dressed," Yeona replies, "I'll be ready to go after that."

Taemin stands up as Yeona does, and before she can do anything else, he grabs her and brings her in for a hug. She is sensitive, from all the emotions that she has felt in the last couple of days, she is mentally and physically exhausted, and she bursts into tears again.

She is not sad, not really, in fact she feels happier than she has in a long time. More hopeful, more peaceful, and more determined than ever to be the best version of herself, with her love, and her friends beside her.


Yeona is a little nervous as she walks with Taemin to the practice room. She knows that the other members will know where she has been, though the two younger girls don't know about her and Jongin, and she is hoping that it stays that way, until she is ready to tell them, though she surely is not far from that at all.

Taemin senses Yeona's nerves, as he always does, and he takes her hand as they walk through the door to meet the rest of the group. Yeona feared that she would be met with silence, though it is anything but, with Chanyeol's laughter echoing through the room as he stands to walk over to meet them.

"It worked out, I assume?" He teases Yeona as he pulls her in for a hug, "I'm happy for you."

Yeona sighs in relief as she leans into him, all fears of losing his friendship disappearing from her mind. She is content, and believes that he is sincere when he says that he is happy.

"Thank you, Loey," Yeona mumbles, "That means a lot."

Chanyeol as he always does, lifts his hand to Yeona's head, messing her hair up and sending her into a fit of laughter, though he still holds her tight, not wanting to let go until she begs him to, playfully stomping on his foot to escape his grasp.

"Just don't forget our song, okay?" He asks, "Know your worth, and know that you are the source of your own happiness."

Yeona nods at him, now fully understanding and believing the words that he says. It has taken longer than she is proud to admit, to get to this point, but with a new start and a better perspective, she is sure that things will work out the way that they are meant to.

Pulling back from his embrace, she turns to face the three younger members. Sooyoung and Seulgi smile at her, and she nods back at them, with a silent promise to fill them in on everything later tonight, once they have practiced and are back at the dorms. It is not the time now, to have to admit to all that has gone on, but the girls are her family, she wants to tell them, and she needs their support too.

Jongin steps closer to her, and Chanyeol moves away, giving them a moment of almost-privacy, as the rest of the members begin to stretch and prepare for practice. Yeona feels her anxiety bubbling again, though it is instantly quashed when she looks into Jongin's eyes, and he smiles at her sincerely.

"I only want the best for you, noona," He tells her, "if Jonghyun-hyung is going to treat you right, I want that for you."

Yeona nods at the younger man, acknowledging his words, and knowing that though he means it, there is pain between them that will take a long time to heal.

"Thank you, Nini," Yeona replies, "I know my worth now... and so much of that is thanks to you."

Her words sting, for both her and Jongin, but they are both strong enough to push through that pain, and instead turn to channel it into practice. Something that they are both experts at, dancing away any mental anguish, pushing themselves to be better with every move that they make.

The rest of the day goes by without an issue, dance practice is perfect and the group feel ready for their stage tomorrow. Once back in their dorms, Yeona pulls the girls aside and tells them everything, and much to her surprise, and relief, they take it well, and give her their support and well wishes that she is making the right choice for her now.

Finally back in her room, alone, exhausted and ready for sleep, Yeona picks up her phone to check whether she had been contacted while she was busy.

Goodnight, my love. You're going to do great tomorrow, I am sure of it. I love you.

Thank you, Jjong. Goodnight, I love you.

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