Chapter 103: Into The Darkest Depths

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"Meera, let's fall back! I don't care what the Stranger says. If there's Witch business in this place, there's no reason to take an unnecessary fight." I reach down and haul up Sila with a hand. Waving at the other two Demi's who still seem afraid of me, I bark, "Either come with us or take your chances with whatever's down here!"

"Nika, Jinta, please come!" Sila begs. The little one wants to go, but Nika holds him back. It seems like they're going to stay. But then, Meera brushes by them. I can just imagine her mocking leer under the mask, as she leans in and whispers in Nika's ear-

"Kid...whatever's down that isn't going to feed you. It isn't going to offer you bread and cheese like my Boss. It's going to eat you."

"I...I..but Jasi said we need to avoid going up!" Nika hesitates. However, the splashes get closer and the fetid smell worsens. With a horrified glance into the darkness, he nods. Hauling up the other Demi-boy, he hurries to catch up to us. "We'll go with you! Please...don't trick us!"

Typical kid. Thinks I'd tell him if I was.

*Splash Splash Splash*



The hell is that?


I toss a look over my shoulder while trying to hustle along my prisoners Demi's. Unfortunately, it does seem like we're losing ground. The Demi kids are fast, but not fast enough. And they're exhausted from trying to run from us earlier.

"We're going too slow."

"I know, Meera." I sigh. Mentally reviewing the map, I know we're still a long ways off from the first pipe. I turn around and wait for the others to pass. Alright. Let's try this then! "I'll give them something to think about-"

[Frozen Water of My Soul, Come Forth-Chill]

This time, I don't hold back. Icy energy spreads out directly in front of me, and the water on the tunnel floor freezes solid. The surface is magically smooth. Anyone walking on it will definitely have to watch out. Behind me, I hear gasps of amazement from the Demi's. They probably have never seen a mage this strong before. Pretty cool huh? However, while I'm admiring my handiwork, Meera calls out at my back-

"Boss, we got problems!"


I spin around only to discover shadows writhing the other way as well. Really? We're surrounded? How did they get behind us? Where the hell are the Stranger's guys when you need them?

"W-What now?" Sila cries out in terror. Her sensitive yellow raccoon eyes are watching the unknown enemies approach. I wince as splashes approach from both sides. "The monsters are here!" For a second, I just think. An unknown enemy is one of my worst fears. Especially in an enclosed space. And with children to protect. It's really not a job for a mage. Hmm...the Stranger said kill everything you see that isn't one of us, right? Well, I'm fairly certain whatever these things are, they're not friendly. He recommended using fire magic. Let's see...

"Meera, do you smell any gas?" I ask.

"Can't smell anything with all this crap." Meera wrinkles her nose. "Couldn't tell ya, Boss. Don't blow us up."

Turning to the kids who probably have good noses as well, I ask-

"Any of you smell anything strange? Does anything smell flammable?"


"I...I don't think so."


"It just smells bad."

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