Chapter 34: How I Discovered A Certain Cheese

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"Sure. Make sure your parents are okay with it!" I call out to her as she runs away. Marveling at the speed her short little Demi-Cat legs are capable of, I shake my head. Opening the door to the Rainstopper Residence, I step inside my empty house. Thank God no one knows I'm a reincarnated twenty-year-old. Well, it looks like I found a new sleeping partner. Although...I'm a bit worried about my night terrors. They've been pretty bad, especially since Romy left. Now that I think about it, this could be pretty embarrassing if she sees me after one. Ugh, I shouldn't have said cool older brother image is about to be ruined...

"Man, I really need to work on my image control. In my last life, I never would have shown weakness in front of a woman. Since being reborn...hold on, with the exception of my actual mother, haven't I cried in front of practically every woman I've met?" Horror dawns on me as I understand the terrifying truth. I'm hopeless. The women in this world are too strong. Compared to the ones on Earth that only cared about money and needed me to hold the door for them, these ones are monsters! I gave Mark so much crap for getting beaten by his wife, but I...I'm also outclassed. This is bad! I didn't show any weakness to Natalia when Gatoa attacked, but if I have a nightmare tonight, I really will have cried in front of every girl I've met in this life! Unfortunately, it's too late to change my fate. I can only pray that I've gotten better at keeping quiet as I got older. Something tells me that isn't the case though...

*Caw Caw Caw*

Outside my house, a strange event happens. Over the top of the trees, a huge flock of raven-like birds erupts. So many that the sky is covered in black wings before I know it. For almost an entire minute, the horde, which reminds me of a horror movie, continues to flap about before passing through. Peeking out through one of the living room windows, I watch them pass overhead. Huh? Are they migrating? But it's still a bit early for that. And I've never seen that species flying in a group that big before. Weird...

Putting it out of mind, I start to work on cooking dinner. Taking some smoked meat out of the cellar, I light the stove with Burn and heat a pot full of water. Grabbing a bag of pasta, I make extra since Natalia is coming over tonight. In my past life, I had no idea how to cook. Since I had a ton of money, I just ordered food with my phone every night. However, there is no such food delivery service in this world, so since Mark is gone, I need to make my own meals. Though I still have a silver and some coppers left over from cheating that degenerate, Jeff, I want to save it for things I really need to buy in the future. Without a source of income, I've unknowingly become frugal.

Hehehe, this smoked meat is pretty good though. Maybe my tastes have become a little rustic after so much time in the country, but I can almost believe that it's really a fancy prosciutto or Iberian ham. Ugh, I miss fine dining. The culinary scene in Sines is really lacking. I wonder if it's better in the cities? Oh, maybe I can ask Glacia what the food's like in Ravenmore City? I should send her a letter and see how she's doing!

I've honestly never had to send an actual physical letter before because they're so outdated on Earth.

Okay, that's not really the reason. The truth is...

I never had anyone to send a letter to.

But I mean, it seems everyone uses letters in this world. Mephis, Romy, even Glacia was going to leave me a note when she left.'s a bit better than being ghosted on dating apps. At least they don't just disappear on you without saying anything. Though I was usually the one doing the ghosting so maybe that's not a good thing for me...

"Would people stop leaving!"

*Pop Pop*

The water boils merrily as I pour the pasta in. It's kind of sad that I'm finally cooking something, but Romy and Mark aren't here to enjoy it with me. I'm actually kind of glad that Natalia is coming over. At least it will be less lonely. Standing on my tiptoes to check that I made enough for the two of us, I stir the pot and throw some tomato sauce from a jar into the frying pan. Additionally, I have some cheese from the cellar, which I intend to grate on top of the pasta. I love being not lactose intolerant anymore.

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