Chapter 22: Aftermath

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The explanation went something like this,

"Someone broke in! I...I hit my head. I can't remember what happened."


But it was for Glacia's safety. So, I didn't have a choice. At least that's what I told myself. Maybe that doesn't make it right. But I don't care.

I hate lying to them. However, Glacia's life is forfeit if I say anything. So, I don't have a choice.

In the end, I faked amnesia over the whole thing. Said that I went down to investigate a thief in the night, and that Glacia saved me when the intruder attacked. It's half true anyways! Romy nodded her head, surveying the chaos that had become of the living room. Every window on the first floor was shattered. There were great puddles of half-melted ice shards lying everywhere, and Glacia's blood covered the floor, although when Mark went to heal her, he realized that she didn't have any visible wounds, despite all the red on her clothes. When he saw that, his expression towards me turned strange. Please don't ask me anymore questions...

"Myrr..." He whispered suspiciously and I grew afraid. However, Romy shook her head and he let it go. "You're right, Honey, now's not the best time. Maybe Glacia will be able to explain what happened, when she wakes up. Although I'm a bit worried why she isn't..."

"I think she must have run out of mana protecting me." I volunteered what was technically the truth. The insane magic Lissandrei used while possessing Glacia's frail body must have taken a terrible toll on her. It took three days before my teacher awakened. When she did, she remembered nothing of that night, just as Lissandrei had said. After fruitlessly questioning her, Mark and Romy could only pick up the pieces and replace the windows, as well as remodel the living room. Over time, the incident was forgotten, although Romy now maintains a vigilant eye towards the outside, convinced that there are hidden enemies aiming for me. After all, my mother's enemies are one of the primary suspects here. Mark himself continues to give me strange looks, but he hasn't said anything more on the subject. For that...I am grateful.

Thus, my life learning swordsmanship and magic, continues as normal. Only I know of the terrible sacrifice Glacia made to save me. Whenever I think of it, I hug her extra tight at night. Though things ended up well, it was only because Lissandrei was scared off in the nick of time. I'm certain, that had the mysterious entities which caused her to retreat, intervened a little later that night, Glacia might have been lost to me forever, just like Mephis. Sometimes my gaze towards Mark and Romy becomes a bit strange as well. Lissandrei said that a powerful paladin was coming. As well as someone else. Mark is apparently quite skilled in healing magic. And well...Romy. Still...I can't quite believe that this spineless man who gets beaten regularly by his wife is actually strong enough to scare away someone like Lissandrei. But they arrived just as she left...the timing was too perfect. Well, maybe Mark and Romy have secrets as well. Since they do not pry into mine, I will leave them alone in return.

"Tch...failed again."

Recently I've begun to notice a problem during my swordsmanship classes. I never noticed it before simulating real combat with Romy's lessons, but now that I've entered into actual battles with consequences, it's becoming glaringly obvious. Or maybe it's a new development and I've only just begun to discover it now.

I can't see the future and cast magic at the same time. I thought it was because I was panicking in the moment, last time I failed against Gatoa, but I think it's a bigger problem than that. I just...can't do both. Which means my Foresight is not very practical in actual combat.

I think, in the past, I've been unconsciously turning off Foresight right before chanting, and then reactivating it after finishing my spell. However, when fighting someone as fast as Romy, that moment's distraction while I turn off Foresight, makes it impossible to win. Suddenly going from seeing both future and present, and then trying to cast magic, especially a Disguised Casting, basically splits my attention into four places, causing me to hesitate. A single moment like that is enough for me to get checkmated in a fight.

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