Chapter 51: Reason

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"Why didn't you kill them?" Perideen asks me as we wait out the storm in the clinic waiting room. Natalia is still shivering, asleep. We leave her on the bench until it's dawn. "You had all the right. Now they'll get away. Probably leave town."

"I thought about it." I reply. In my hand, the block of tartufo cheese has grown moldy and wet from the rain. Turning it over and over, I can't find a bit of it that's salvageable. Not that I think Natalia would be able to enjoy it after what she's been through.'s all ruined now. "But I think there are other people more worthy of my vengeance."

"That's not an answer." He pushes me. I look up from the cheese.

"Why do you care?" My eyes find Perideens. He shrugs, holding up his hands.

"Because...when you participate in the trials, there is no place for misguided mercy. You must be ruthless. Strike down those who would seek to do you evil. Even retribution may not be enough. If you wait for someone to do evil onto you first, then it is already too late. You have lost." Perideen shakes his head. The lightning flashes overhead, making the scar over his eye stand out. He looks a little evil himself right now. "Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe you don't belong with the Rainstopper Sect..."

"Oh, shut up." I glare at him. "I let the damn idiot go. And that stupid woman as well. But I'm not soft. And I'm not a child. Look at me. LOOK at me. Take a real good look." This time, I don't hesitate to meet his gaze. I stare right into the assassin's eyes until he understands that I am not afraid of him. Finally, Perideen relents, blinking first. I let out the breath I've been holding, and continue thinking. The storm seems to be clearing up. We can go soon. "Perideen, tell me, do you think I'm strong enough to win the trials as I am right now?"

"The trials aren't for a month, Myrr." Perideen glances out at the storm too, watching it recede. "The Secthead almost died fighting in the trials at your age. And she was stronger than you are. It will not be easy."

"I see."

"Are you still going to go?" He questions me again. I don't answer for a while. Just stroke Natalia's hair and contemplate her broken leg in its cast. The angle is still off. There's no way to properly set it at this point without magic in this world. "It's not too late to turn back."


Thunder passes overhead, and the building groans as it shakes the foundations. I remember how Romy told me I couldn't leave until I could stop a thunderstorm. I toss away the ruined tartufo into the mud outside. Closing my eyes, I curl my left hand around the Bloodstone. It's cracked depths are a constant reminder of what I've lost because of Meirkeep's assassins. Standing, I crack my back. The final raindrops are letting up and though the skies remain dark, I think we're ready to head out. There's a carriage waiting for us at the station. Since Perideen can't carry both Natalia and I, it's going to take a while to get to the Rainstopper Sect. I open my eyes. It's time.

"Oh, I'll be going. And you're going to train me."

"Hehe...train you in what?" Perideen grins, sensing the change in me. He lifts up Natalia on a makeshift sling on his back. "Killing arts? Defensive techniques? We have two weeks until we get there. The Secthead said to teach you anything you want to know."

"All of it. Every day, fight me until we get there. Show me everything you know."

"As you wish."


The Cliffs of Sisyphus were formed like a crescent moon, taking up an entire valley's worth of space, composed of layers of white stone, folded together like a cake. At the bottom, numerous trails converged to form an entrance. A pair of black gates accepted those seeking to enter the Rainstopper Sect. All needed to pass through this doorway to enter the world of death inside. Carved into the numerous folds on the way to the top of the cliffs were various buildings, shrines, and dormitories. Above it all, there was a small hut formed from branches and dried grasses. It looked out of place amidst all the stone structures. Abruptly, someone was pushed outside onto the rocky mesa-

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