Chapter 31: How I Failed My Master

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"Heh, I knew there would be consequences when I left the Holy Order. But after all these years I'd begun to hope that they'd forgotten. Should have known that bastard king wouldn't let me go that easily." Mark says with a despairing laugh that hides none of his anger. "Myrr, how would you feel if I had to go away for a while."

What? What are you talking about?

"Like...on a trip?" I'm in shock. Even though he hasn't said much, just seeing the two of them like this is terrifying. Romy, who took on a Demon Scout without getting scratched is in pain. Mark, who never takes anything seriously, is acting like he's giving a press conference on behalf of a major corporation. It doesn't make any sense. My auntie shakes on the table like a fish out of water that can't breathe. I don't want to see her like this ever again.

Never again.


Mark, how can you let your wife cry like this!

What did you DO?!

Your explanation better be satisfactory or I'll bury you myself!

"A trip? Sort of...ugh, I'll just say it." Mark takes a deep breathe. After thinking for a while, he explains, "I've never really told you what I used to do before I married Romy, have I, Myrr?"

"No...?" I hesitantly venture to respond.

"Well, it never seemed necessary to tell you. Myrr, in the old days, your uncle used to work for the Kingdom of Gaisha. That is to say, I was a paladin belonging to the Order of Yuel. I was raised in the service of the holy church of the kingdom until I ended up quitting. Can you guess why?"

"Because you loved Auntie Romy?"

"That's absolutely right!"

"Tch." Romy grits her teeth but says nothing. My auntie peeks up from the table, still holding Mark's hand. Her invincible fingers, which can catch my blade without being cut, are so tight that the blood is being squeezed out. They're turning white. She smiles painfully, trying to put on a brave face, "You wanted to leave the Order before you met me."

"Well...maybe. Anyways, I left, but the thing is..." Mark sighs, massaging his neck with a hand. "Officially, I never actually left the Order of Yuel. You see, when we enter the Order, we promise to serve his holiness for life. Breaking that vow, is generally punishable by..."

"Death?" I whisper quietly and Mark shakes his head.

"Not quite. But since Yuel raised us, the Order requires a sacrifice to be made if we wish to exit. Since I never paid the price, they still count me amongst their ranks. And now...the King of Gaisha has asked the Order of Yuel to provide warriors for a new Holy War with the Kingdom of Lissel. When they reviewed the roster, my name came up. I've been recalled for battle." My uncle finishes speaking and the horrible silence returns.

"Do you...have to go?" I ask, though I can already see the answer in their faces without looking into the future. Mark nods slowly.

"Yes. I'm afraid I have to."

"No, you don't! Stop acting like you need to listen to those old bastards! You can stay here with me!" Romy suddenly bursts out with anger, shaking Mark's hand until it makes banging noises against the table. Her husband just shakes his head.

"Romy...Dear. You know that failing to answer the call, as an active-duty paladin, is punishable by death. The Order will remember and they will send a squad of Death Knights."

"Heh, so what!" Romy's face turns into a snarl and she practically growls, "Let them come! I'd like to see them try to take you from me! Holy Order? Compared to the Rainstopper Sect, they're just children playing dress up! I'll kill everyone they send! And then I'll send their skulls as a message to that bastard king!"

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