Chapter 100: Lies

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"Why bother?" I snicker. Meera snorts, and I hear what sounds almost like a noise from Echo. Did she just...laugh? "If there's Bloodfiends here...let them grow. I wouldn't mind seeing the city overrun! It'll save us a lot of trouble dealing with Selena."

"What was that, boy?" The Stranger gives me a pointed look over his shoulder. "You want them to devour your shop...and your Demi friends...and then rule over what's left? I hope you enjoy licking bloodstains and talking to ashes. That's all that'll be left if an infestation gets out of hand. Don't be stupid. Also..." His gaze turns sharp and I blink even behind my mask, trying to meet his piercing glare, "Don't assume that we're dealing with the Blood Witch. She may love seeding the world with her children, but it would be a fatal mistake to assume you're just dealing with Bloodfiends."

"If you say so," I reply snarkily. While this place gives me the shivers, I've dealt with both the Ice Witch and the Blood Witch before. My experience on the matter is more than most. Doubt there's that many people on this planet who can claim to have dealt with two Witches! "Alright, alright. So, what is it you want us to be wary of exactly? First you tell us we need to watch out for a Witch's fiends. But now you say don't assume anything. Which is it?

" little devil. Sometimes I regret partnering with you, kid. You remind me too much of me." the Stranger rubs the back of his neck and quickens his pace down the ramp. "Listen, I'm trying to keep you idiots alive. Stop questioning me and just keep your damn magic ready. Fire magic preferably, it's the most destructive, ice magic if you can't. Be careful though, there's gas in some of these pipes. Throw too many spells around and you might find them blowing up in your face. Got that?"

"Yea. Got it."

We proceed like a bunch of strange ducks, following our leader down the ramp. At the left turn, a host of cloaked men await us. Or at least, I assume they are men. Who knows, maybe the Stranger decided to make more exceptions. They join us without nary a word. Clearly these ones are well trained. One of them approaches Blink.

"Sir, he's not on this floor," the masked man tells him, "We can't keep searching entire floors. It'll take weeks to clear this entire place one by one."

"Yes, I'm aware," Blink replies. The masked goon falls back in line as Blink walks up to the Stranger. We keep descending to the next level down, while talking, "What do you want to do? He's right. This place is too big."

"It's simple really," the Stranger isn't worried. "The Ferry-Rat is tough to track, that's undeniable. He's been...very busy scampering about since leaving the fold. Finding him if he doesn't want to be found is next to impossible. But now...his customers...that's a different matter. He can't hide them all. We'll split off a search party on each floor. All the way down. And flush out his brethren."

"..." I stay silent, trying to understand their conversation. Customers? Brethren? What does that mean? I thought we were chasing one man. I guess the Stranger hasn't told me everything. Well, that's not exactly a surprise.

"There's too many floors, even if we go down to teams of four, Boss. We don't have enough men."

"True. That's why Echo will tell us which ones to search," the Stranger sounds almost proud, "She has a rather special propensity for finding people. Remember, all we need to do is catch some of his little buddies. Once we have one of his customers, the Ferry Rat will come scampering along. Got it? Alright, Echo, what do you think of this floor? Worth investigating?"

We've come to the next level on the ramp. A thick bone-lit pipe connects to the ramp. As the Stranger motions, Echo steps forward. Her figure looks rather diminutive next to his tall, gaunt form. She passes by me, and I hear a slight noise. Is she...sniffing? After a minute, she nods. The Stranger holds up his hand as Echo backs up. Immediately, a squad of four cloaked men detach from the group and file across the ramp into the pipe. Just like that?

"You trust her that much?" I ask as we proceed to the next pipe. The Stranger sounds like he's smirking. He seems almost proud of Echo. "How does she know which floor to search?"

"Trust is all relative, my boy," he says. "But yes, Echo will help us find the Ferry-Rat. As for how she knows, you should ask her."

"Echo doesn't talk though."

"Well then, I suppose you're just not going to know then, are you?"


We continue walking down to each floor. It's the same process at each one. Either Echo nods her head and a squad goes in to investigate, or she doesn't and we pass on by. I can't see any rhyme or reason as to why she picks some floors and not others. Mmm...she picks roughly one in five to investigate. With each pipe that we pass, the group of men following us grows smaller. However, I think I see the bottom of the sewers now when I peek over the edge of the ramp. Unlike the upper levels which have only a few access points on the ramp, it seems the bottom levels out into a large, flat area covered in murky water. My boots are going to get ruined. But I suppose Meera will be the one that gets really pissed. Although...then again, I wonder if she can use Qi to keep them from getting dirty. Nah...probably not.

"Hey, I have another question." I suddenly recall something.

"Mmm?" the Stranger makes a curious noise. "Ask away, my boy. I'm an open book!"

"What was that song you were humming earlier?" I don't really expect him to answer.

"Mmm? Song?" he seems taken aback. You know what I'm talking about.

"You know, the one you were singing back there. It went like... ... ... you know, I feel like I've heard it before somewhere."

" liked it?" the Stranger laughs. For a second, his voice changes. His cheery attitude slips. It's hard to notice, but I've spent enough time with him to catch his slight tells. When he speaks again, his voice is a teensy bit melancholy. "To be honest...I don't remember where I heard that one. I probably made it up. Apologies...I'm afraid you won't be able to hear it again. But mayhaps you'd like to hear the epics of Merekeep? I know many of our ancient ballads. A glass of wine is the price for a performance, my boy!"


Just something you made up on the fly, huh? Then why did you recognize it instantly when I hummed it? musically talented? Everything you do is off-key. Yea right. No...I need to ask Jasselryia about this. I'm sure of it...

You're lying.

"I'll take you up on that-"


"What was that?!"

Alarm breaks out amongst the men as loud steps ring out above us. Everyone's head goes up trying to see. Something's happening!

*Splash Splash Splash*

"Haaarrrgh! Get him!" It's coming from one of the floors we passed already. I can hear the shouts of men echoing off the bony pipes and sloshing water. Gazing up the spiraling ramp, I try to pinpoint exactly which floor is the cause of the commotion. But it's impossible to locate anything but sound, every noise is bouncing around over and over. A shout comes out, "He's going to jump-!"


About three floors above us, a dark figure leaps out. From here, he's a bundle of fluttering brown rags hanging in the air, with a rotund belly. His face is a furry snout with scrappy rat ears on top. I see a pair of glasses on his bespeckled face. As he flies by, we match eyes for an instant. The Ferry Rat has a profoundly sad expression behind his grey whiskers. A wildly flapping black chain on his neck lags behind him before he tucks it into his shirt. And then...he's gone. Soaring past us to the bottom floor.


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