Chapter Seventeen ✰ Chase Huxley ✰

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Atlas collapsed to his knees. His whole body was racked with silent sobs.

I knelt beside him and wrapped my arms around him. I gently patted him on the back. "There, there. Don't cry, you'll mess up your concealer." I don't know how to comfort him. Hell, I don't even know why he's crying!

Atlas returned my embrace. "I lied." He said through our cerebral link.

I tentatively wiped his tears with my sleeve. "What did you lie about?"

"I do know him, or at least I think I do." He confessed.

He didn't specify who he was talking about. He didn't need to. "How long have you known who Vindicator was?" I kept my tone calm and even, but I felt betrayed. How could Atlas keep this secret from me?

"I didn't know! I still don't know for certain, it's just a feeling."

I gave a pensive nod, trying to understand. "You think you know him, but you're not sure"

For the first time in this conversation, Atlas met my gaze. "I think he's the one who ripped me apart."

"Oh my God!" No wonder he was so worked up. I subconsciously fingered the scarf that covered the scars on his neck.

Tears poured from his soft brown eyes. "I'm scared, Chase."

I patted his shoulders. "Do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because I'll totally kill him for you."

Atlas let out a silent chuckle. Then he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you could kill him. You almost had him in your last brawl."

At least he's still being sarcastic, that's a good sign.  "Our first fight was a warm-up. You haven't seen me when my power is at its fullest," I joked.

Atlas smirked at me. "You've changed."

"I have?" I don't feel that different.

Atlas nodded wisely. "You're not nearly as much of an asshole."

"The past couple of days have humbled me."

"I kind of like you when you're not being a total douchebag."

"You know what? I kind of like me, too."

"Thank you for being my friend."

"No, thank you for standing by me." I ran my fingers down my scarred cheek. I'd still be wallowing in my room if it wasn't for you." Honestly, I didn't know if I was ready for everyone at the party to see my new appearance, but if Atlas wasn't by my side, I wouldn't have even considered coming here.

Atlas seemed to sense nervousness. He tried to reassure me. "They'll most likely be too distracted by your jacket to notice your face."

"I hope you're right." I rose to my feet and offered Atlas my hand.

Atlas accepted my hand and I helped him stand.

"The party is going to start soon. Are you ready to go?"

Atlas nodded reluctantly. He shut off our cybernetic link, then we walked to the room where the girls were getting ready.

When we entered the room, we caught sight of the girls with their ears pressed against the wall.

I loudly cleared my throat. If they're going to eavesdrop, they could at least try to be subtle about it.

Katrina let out a startled squeak when she noticed us.

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