Chapter Nine ➹ Atlas Contreras ➹

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I grabbed Chase's hand, took one step backward, and leaped off the platform's edge. For one brief moment, we were weightless, before we rapidly descended towards the ground. We landed on the cement ground with a loud thud. I most likely would've fractured my femur if I had one. I checked on Chase to see if he was injured. "Are you okay?"

"Like, after fall or in general?" Chase panted.

I shot him a concerned look.

He gripped the bleeding wound on his chest. "I don't think the fall did any damage. Let's get out of here, okay?" I nodded and helped him up.

Vindicator glared down at us from the platform above. He appeared to be contemplating following us.

I sent him an antagonizing stare, daring him to pursue us. Deep down, I begged that he would let us escape without a scuffle. Coming face to face with him again nearly gave me a panic attack on stage. I'm impressed that I managed to stay calm in the heat of the moment.

Vindicator turned away from us and stepped out of sight. He was letting us go. For now.

"Now what?" Chase asked.

I placed both my hands on the wall next to us. Once, my hands were in the exact position. A secret passageway opened up.

Chase couldn't contain his glee. "There's a secret tunnel!"

I smirked in response.

I guided Chase through the dark passage. Our cybernetic vision automatically adjusted to our surroundings, helping us see in the darkness.

"How did you find this place?" Chase gazed around our environment. There was writing on the wall that said: G&A were here, 11/1/2059.

"When I first met Gabriel, he told me there were all kinds of secrets around the stadium if I cared to look. As a curious thirteen-year-old, the concept exhilarated me."

"Did you find them all?" Chase asked.

"I did. It's not a big deal. I'm pretty sure every Cybrawl Fighter has found them sooner or later."

Chase stared down at the ground. "Listen, I'm sorry about everything. I know I jumped the gun by volunteering to fight in the Cybrawl, and I cost us our chance to get the second piece of the map."

"No, you did perfectly." I could barely contain my satisfied grin.

He raised an eyebrow. "I did?"

I proudly displayed the now half-completed map on my Holowatch.

"What? How?" Chase sputtered.

"I picked Gabriel's pockets during our meeting. He was so distracted by your fight, he still hasn't noticed it's gone."

"Atlas, you brilliant scoundrel!" He chuckled. "I can't believe you got away with it!"

I gave a modest shrug.

Chase glanced back at the stadium. "They're gonna kill us when they find out, aren't they?"

"Most likely."

The passage led us outdoors, near where I'd parked my Hovercycle.

"Wow! What are the chances we end up exactly where we parked?" Chase said, gesturing towards the Hovercycle.

"I intentionally parked outside the secret exit just in case we needed to make a quick getaway."

"Very smart."

I marched over to the Hovercycle, slipped on my helmet, and put the key in the ignition. I sat down and motioned for Chase to do the same.

He let out a reluctant sigh and followed my example.

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