Chapter 14

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The Ultimate SIMP: Thank you for your fantastic theory that helped take this story in a different direction. I didn't even think to take it in and give myself more work. Let the trauma/angst begin!

Nico couldn't say that he was happy after winning the war. Content, maybe. He didn't stick around camp for long after they won, though. Once repairs and merges of the two camps began, he left searching for his half-sister, Ophelia. Even after days of searching, there were no clues he could find, no traces, no soul, or hint. He didn't dare ask his father where Ophelia could have ended up fearing his answer, and he wasn't about to ask her mother. She'd turn him into a dandelion again for who knows how long this time.

Per Will's orders, Nico was subjected to a checkup and an extended therapy session once he arrived back at camp. He already knew everything Will told him–overusing his powers, not sleeping or eating correctly, even checking in with everyone. He didn't want to worry Will, but it was useless lying to a child of Apollo.

"I'll get some sleep after I eat, Will," Nico mumbled after his long lecture.

Will narrowed his eyes as he carefully examined Nico. It wasn't that he didn't trust him; he just tended to say one thing and do another on impulse. "You better. If she's out there somewhere, Nico, we'll find her. But she wouldn't want you wearing yourself down like this either."

"I never should have let her come along. We wouldn't have to find her if I made her leave; she would have been safer here."

Will softened his gaze watching as Nico guilt-tripped himself into believing what he said. "You don't know that. And she wouldn't have listened anyway. She's just as stubborn as you, if not more," he assured.

"None of it matters unless I find her." Nico knew the words Will spoke were valid, but it didn't relieve the turmoil of guilt he had. She had been right in front of him, barely grazing his fingers with hers, yet he couldn't save her.

"You won't be able to find her if you end up passed out somewhere because you're exhausted, Nico. Why can't you ask any of the other campers for help?" Will asked.

It's because it's my fault. There was no way he'd admit this to Will, though. He'd jump out the infirmary doors and find Percy or Annabeth. The two people he'd cave under with just one look. "If I can't find anything in a week, I'll... ask for help."

"Nico, any longer, and Mr. D will tell everyone to burn a shroud for her. Whether you find anything or not," Will informed him. He didn't want to burden Nico, but he had the right to know what might happen if he stayed away from camp too long.

"She's not dead, Will," he whispered as he stood up from the bed, "the first place I checked was Elysium. And there's no way she would have ended up in the Fields of Asphodel. I'll find her wherever she is," Nico announced with conviction as he walked out the door. He wouldn't mourn an empty shroud if she weren't under it, not when she disappeared from Tartarus without a trace.


Nico couldn't turn himself around fast enough as he heard the voice he'd been searching for call out his name. "O?

Will heard how Nico's voice broke as he whispered his sister's name. "Nico? Are you okay?" He asked as he took a step out of the room.

"You... you didn't just hear her call my name?" Nico's voice wavered.

Will observed the way Nico shook ever so slightly where he stood. Nico didn't seem to hallucinate or make up a scenario after being told they'd burn an empty shroud. He genuinely seemed haunted. The only problem the healer had was that he didn't hear anything. "No. Nico, I didn't hear anything, but you call Ophelia's name."

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