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"What about Arden?" Riley asked, since we found out about little lady, she's been head down looking for her name
I don't doubt that she'll find it, after all she named Greyson. Sure I had the input but when it comes to names Riley just nails it
"Arden? hmm what would the middle name be?" I asked 
"Shall we keep the J theme going on?" Riley suggested
"The J theme?" I asked and she nodded biting her lip
"You're James Johnathon Miller, we have Greyson Jack Miller, I'm Riley Jayne Harrod" She explained
"soon to be Miller" I said pointing to her as she rolled her eyes at me with a smile on her face

Before I could answer her question, all the girls came bursting into the room making both Riley and I look at them confused 
"James, we are stealing your fiancé Okay? Good thankyou" Thalia said before Piper and Emily grabbed both of Riley's arms
We didn't have time to object before all of them were out the front door


I walked down the stairs maybe an hour or so later after Greyson had woken up from his nap
"Oh so you didn't get kidnapped too then" Hunter teased as I walked outside with Grey
"Man I'm still trying to understand what I just witnessed" I laughed 
"Well Riley may not live to see the wedding" Eldon teased making Greyson pout and throw himself on the floor

"mummaaaa!" He said as his cries began to pierce our ears
"Greyson it's okay" I said scooping him up glaring at Eldon 
"He really does understand" Eldon realised widening his eyes
"You think?" I asked rolling my eyes

"It's mental to think that he's going to be a big brother" I said smiling at Greyson clapped
"Sissyyy" He smiled clapping his hands
"He's going to be so protective. Like you are with Piper" Hunter said and I nodded
"oh easily, we are going to tag team this shit. My baby girl will not be dating ever" I said 
I looked down at Greyson who had the tiniest smirk on his face, it was a face I had never seen before..
"Shit!" He giggled clapping my me go wide eyed

"Oh James, you are in trouble now" West said laughing
"Shit shit shit shit" Greyson continued to giggle but I shook my head at him
"no no Grey" I said but he just looked at me laughing first 
"no shit no shit" He taunted making me groan
"What do i do?" I asked the boys and they all shrugged

"hope Riley doesn't kill you when she hears it" Hunter offered
"who am I killing? And why?" Riley said walking through the back gate with the girls
"Nothing, nobody. How was your day babe" I said smiling at her but she narrowed her eyes at me

"What did you do" She asked but I shook my head and she continued to walk over
"Greysonnn" Riley sung and I knew he was going to tell. The little snitch
"No no it's okay, I've got him" I said holding him close
But of course the moment Greyson saw Riley, he wanted her
"James, give him here" Riley laughed
"But I want a huggg" I said trying to stall

Riley rolled her eyes at me before finally getting Greyson out of my grip
"What did daddy do?" she said looking around Greyson probably to check for any bumps or marks
"I don't get it, what am I killing you over" She said about to come and sit next to me when I saw that same little smirk on his face again

"Greyson please no" i said making him giggle again 
"Shit no Shit" Greyson sung making Riley's jaw almost drop to the floor 
"James Johnathon Miller! I know you did not teach our son to swear!" She yelled at me before handing Greyson to Piper 
She meant business right now..

I got up and instantly starting heading in the opposite direction
"It was an accident" I called running away from her
"An accident? how does Greyson swearing come from an accident?" She called after me while the gang was in fits of laughter

"I just said it and then he repeated it!" I explained, Riley soon somehow caught up to me and began slapping my head
"Riii quit ittt!" I said trying to dodge the slaps
"You taught our baby to swear Jamessss" She said 
"He was gonna learn one day" I said making her narrow her eyes at me again

"Mummaaa! Daddas shit!" We heard Greyson squeal
Riley looked over at him and began laughing
"Alright that was funny" She said making me roll my eyes at her

"So it's fine when he's insulting me? Greattt" I said throwing my arm over her shoulder as she grinned up at me
Touché Grey touché 

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