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"Ri, it's going to be okay" I said to her the neck morning, we had excused ourselves with Greyson. We told the gang we were running errands which I guess isn't a complete lie. I just don't think this is what they had in mind you know?

"James, you're telling me. You are ready for another kid? Right now? While we are planning for a wedding, while we are both running a studio?" Riley asked, the tone and pace of speech proved to me that she was panicking and we didn't even have an solidified answer yet
"What I'm saying is Riley, if this is the case. I know we would be okay! We've done it before, what's one more little man into the mix" I said making Riley instantly rolling her eyes
"Why have you got it in your head you are only ever going to have sons" Riley said placing the test back in the wrapper as she walked out of the bathroom at her parents house

None of them were home which is ideal right now - if they caught Riley like this, I might not live to see the wedding 

"Come on Riley, can you imagine me with a daughter? you've seen how I am with Piper" I warned her
"And I've seen how you are with Olivia" Riley answer
"Liv's different" I answered making Riley roll her eyes all over again 


It wasn't long until the timer Riley had set on her phone was going on making Riley look at me before the test that was laid on the table
"I can't look at it" Riley said making me sigh and reach out for it
"no no wait" She said placing her hand on top of mine
"Riley" I said trying to calm her

Believe it or not, this is the calmer version compared to last time

"Nothing is going to change, just breath" I said looking at her watching as her pupils dilated with the panic
"But things will change James, we'd have two children. This whole wedding changes too!" She exclaimed before being interrupted by Greyson's giggles
"How?" I asked 

"Think about it, people will be suspicious if I don't drink at the wedding, my wedding dress if I ever decide on one! Will be completely different because I'll be getting fat again" She said making me glare at her
"What have I told you about calling yourself fat, especially when your pregnant" I said making her roll her eyes
"James, I'm being serious. This isn't something that will just go away" She said and I nodded

"Listen to me Ri, regardless on this test. Whether it's negative or positive" I said making her look up at me
"It won't matter, we can cope. We've got each other" I smiled
"sure this isn't the most ideal circumstances but come on Riley, it's us! When have we ever been ideal?" I asked as I watched a small smile play on her lips

"You are an amazing mother whether you want to admit it or not. Adding another child to the mix would do nothing but make you feel that much happier. Don't think I haven't seen how you've changed since we had Grey" I smiled making her smile become more visible

"The moment you met our little man, you were so in love that you unlocked this whole new Riley and I love her more and more as the days go on and I didn't think that was even possible" I said making her look at me and nod

"Are you ready?" I asked and Riley looked over at our hands before nodding and taking her hand off of mine

"Do you want me to or?" I asked but she shook her head picking up the test the moment my hand was further away
She picked it up looking at me

For the first time in a few years I can't read her expression

"Well?" I asked and she looked at me before looking at Grey kissing the top of his head
"Rileyyy" I groaned making her chuckle as she flipped the test around

The moment she did that, my heart went up in flutters, I looked at Riley again who now had a wide grin on her lips

"Looks like we are having another baby" She said before I crashed our lips together making her giggle cupping my cheeks 

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