
It's been hours and there was no sign of Riley, Greyson was fast asleep after a screaming match. Riley is his comfort toy when it comes to sleeping, he likes holding her thumb or twirling her hair
I can offer him my thumb but my hair is a no go
And so was sleeping
But after 4 hours, we got there

I was about to head to bed myself when I heard the bedroom open, I turned over to see Riley creeping in
"Hey" she whispered before looking at Grey
"Is he okay?" She asked and I nodded before she got dressed before getting into bed

I turned over so I was facing her completely as she laid next to me, she seemed a little calmer then last time I saw her
"Can you talk to me" I whispered making her look me in the eye, she sighed and nodded

"I just got overwhelmed, like it's been 20 weeks and I had no idea.. What if I've done something?" She asked as one single tear fell from her eyes
"Heyyy" I said wiping the tear before it travelled to far
"Don't think like that Ri, I promise you now that no matter what happens, it isn't your fault at all. You've been having regular periods until this month.. You weren't to know" I said and she sighed nodding
"I just can't shake this guilty feeling you know?" She asked and I nodded

"Just talk to me more about it okay? Don't shut me out, I'm here no matter what happens with the baby" I said making her smile slightly
"I love you" She said placing her hand on my cheek stroking it slightly
"I love you more" I said pressing our lips together making her smile further 



"I'm so scared" I said holding James' hand as we sat in the waiting room. We travelled home briefly for the day just to get into the Doctors 
I needed to know everything was okay with the baby
"Ri, it's okay" James said kissing my cheek
"mumma!" Greyson giggled in his pram
"Riley?" The nurse called making the pair of us get up from out seats and followed her into one of the back room

It didn't take long for our usual Doctor to walk in
"Well I didn't think I would be seeing the three of you anytime soon!" Dr Keller said making James chuckle
"Let's just say little man wasn't planned" He said and I rolled my eyes at him
"Do you already know the gender then?" She asked and I shook my head
"no James just thinks all his swimmers are boys apparently" I said making her laugh

"Alright lets take a look" She said squirting the cold gel onto my stomach
It's weird to think there is a baby in there considering my stomach hasn't grown at all
"There they are" She smiled making James and I look at the monitor
I smiled instantly.. There they were, all looking completely normal
"see" James whispered kissing my hand that held his tightly 

"I know the gender if you want to know" Dr Keller said making me smile before looking at James who looked at me and nodded
"Yes please" I said keeping my eyes on James

"I'm afraid James, not all of your swimmers are boys" She said making me gasp a little
"You are having a healthy baby girl" She continued
As soon as that sentence left her lips, James' eyes started to tear up
"Oh James" I chuckled wiping his tears, before I had chance to get them all James reached up pressing his lips against mine
"we're having a little girl" He whispered against my lips making me giggle lightly

"She's going to have you and Grey wrapped around her little finger" I teased and he smiled
"i wouldn't want it any other way" He said kissing me again

20 weeks until we meet you baby girl..

20 weeks until we meet you baby girl

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