
(6 Months Later)

When we started planning this wedding, I knew I wanted it sooner rather then later just merely down the fact the Studio was still small so it wouldn't matter if we left for a little while, Greyson was still young so working around nursery wasn't a problem
"It feels like yesterday we were here for Emily and Hunter" James said wrapping around me as we walked into the same Rental we had for their wedding
"It's now a tradition" I smiled
"you heard it here Grey if you don't get married here mummy will be pissed" James said wriggling his eyes brows at Greyson who giggled touching my cheek
"Mumma mad?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at James
"no baby" I smiled as we walked inside the house finally

This place doesn't seem to have changed in the slightest
"when does everyone get in?" James asked wrapping his arms around me as we watched Greyson play on the grass in front of us
"This afternoon" I smiled cuddling into his chest a little more

I never thought I would see the day where James and I planned our wedding, we have the bulk of it done but with 3 months to go, I still need to get a dress, James needs a suit with a matching one for Greyson and we also need bridesmaid dresses

Now am I crazy for not having a dress at this stage? Yes but I couldn't decide on one and Emily was busy until now
Being my maid of honour means she had to deal with my crap just like I did with her


The afternoon soon rolled around and everyone should be arriving but James and I were still in our own little bubble in the back garden
"There is the happy couple!" A voice bellowed making Greyson jump causing him to start crying out
James chuckled picking up our son as we turned to see Emily, Hunter, Eldon, Thalia, West and Giselle heading our way

"Hey" i smiled hugging all of them one to one
"I'm sorry little G, I didn't mean to scare you" Hunter said apologising which instantly won Greyson over again
"How weird does it feel being back here" Emily laughed as she linked arms with me

"To think last time we were here, you were both in separate relationships" Eldon teased as James wrapped his arm around me with a smile on his face
"Yeah, we tend to ignore that fact" James said
"you're one to talk El, how long have you been with Thalia and you still haven't popped the question" West argued
"Hey man, you're catching up you know" Eldon rebutted making everyone laugh

"mumma!" Greyson cried out earning everyone's attention
We all looked over at him to see him pointing to the door to see Greyson's favourite person stood there

"Puh puh" He said attempting to say Pipers name but the moment Piper smiled and made her way over, it wasn't long before he was in her arms
"Greysss" She smiled lifting him into the air making him giggle
"Now that everyone is here" James smiled wrapping both arms around me now chuckling


It's been a long time since we were all in one place, a lot has happened. Emily and Hunter decided to start trying for a little one after falling in love with Greyson. Piper and Finn moved in together, James and I got engaged, West and Giselle are stronger then even while Eldon and Thalia are still the same cuteness

"It's surreal that the one who swore off of marriage is about to do just that" Hunter said smirking at me
"Yeah? Well we're all full of surprises aren't we" I smirked back
"Yeah Roo, talk about a surprise when you told us about little G" He said and I rolled my eyes

"I almost had a heart attack" Emily laughed
"Greyson wasn't the most planned though" James laughed
"He can hear you" I said covering his eyes, James rolled his eyes chuckling while tickling our sons tummy
"He doesn't understand though" West said and I raised a brow

"Oh yeah? Want to bet?" I asked and they all hesitantly nodded
"Greyson" I said earning his attention
"Who am I?" I asked and he giggled
"Mumma" He answered
"and who is this?" I asked pointing to James
"Dadda" He said while James shook his hand

"I don't get it" Thalia laughed
"Grey who is this" I said pointing to Piper, if he sees Piper himself he'll say Puh puh as if it was trying to pronounce his P's but ask him and he'll say..

"Poo poo" He giggled making Piper glare at James
"What are you doing to my nephew" She growled but James was too busy laughing too hard which in turn made Greyson laugh just as much

They were quite the pair, quite the pair

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