the Portorosso cup race

Start from the beginning

Alberto and Apricot we're in the lead it was close but Alberto finish first as Apricot finish second.

Guido was having problems eating the pasta as it was too much for him.

It took way more longer but soon he finished LAST!

Ercole was furious how long it was taking those two to complete the first two parts but now he could finally ride.

Naruto and kurama we're riding side by side.

"Make the best man win," kurama said as he right off.

As everyone was riding up the hill the clouds in the sky started to get thick and dark.

Alberto could see it and Massimo gave him an umbrella, "Alberto you need to get up there before it rains."

"Yes and thank you Massimo for everything you have done for us," Alberto said as he hugs him and then ran off.

Giulia was watching hoping everything will be all right.

Back with Minato and Danzo, "hey does it look like it's going to rain?"

"It does seem so, let's just hope it doesn't rain before the race ends, remember after this we grab them and leave," Minato said as Danzo nodded his head.

At the top of the hill

Naruto had finally made it but when he did it was raining, "you have got to be kidding me!?"

There were even a many people here and Naruto had to be under the shelter so he wouldn't get rained on.

Kurama had hidden right behind the building so no one would see him but he was keeping an eye on Naruto, "hmmm?" 🤔

Kurama was wondering what was going to happen here now.

Ercole had finally got there, "oh what's wrong Blondie afraid of getting a little wet?" Ercole started laughing at him.

Alberto had finally catch up to them to Naruto with the umbrella wide open covering him from the rain, "HEY NARUTO!"

"ALBERTO!" Naruto called out for him to come.

Everything was going right to plan they just need to go a few feet down the hill and then hit the grass where both can get to a secret sewage and escape the town.

Of course though someone has to ruin it and it was Ercole, "for the last time you don't belong here get out of my TOWN!"

Ercole write down and kick Alberto down to the ground where all the rain had got on and he transformed into a sea monster.

And everyone saw, "oh... No," Naruto said in fear.

Ercole was laughing then look back to see the sea monster, everyone quickly panicked and got Alberto with a net with harpoons.

"No.. no no.." Naruto can repeating as he started to have flashbacks of that nightmare he had with them harpoons and gutting Alberto alive.

"NOOO! I WON'T LET THIS HAPPEN!" Naruto yelled as you write down the hill and he transform into a nine tail sea monster.

He reach out and grabbed a bunch of hand and got him on the bike but sadly because of that they miss their stop point and we're heading way too fast down.

Both knew the only way to escape now was to get into the ocean before they were captured.

Everyone in town to everyone in their buildings could see them and we're all freaking out.

Ercole was right behind them with a harpoon both now we're really scared of him they had to get away from him before it was too late as well get into the ocean.

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