you again!?

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I hope you guys love the chapters I bring out as I always try my best to make them great for you all.

Also thanks to Justin game 44 for helping me with this.

Anyway, let's begin with the new chapter. 😁⛱️⛱️

you again!?

Naruto was sailing on his little boat with Donatello swimming around to keep the boat safe as Apricot was flying around to find new land.

A couple of days later Apricot started yelling.

"What's going on Apricot?" Naruto ask as Apricot went flying towards an island.

"Land hole!!" Naruto said as Donatello was swimming up to the shore.

Naruto's boat soon got on the Land and got out of the boat to stretch his legs after a couple of days of being in Sea on that little boat.

"Finally about time I had dry land," Naruto said as he went to see the new land he was on.

Naruto was so happy as you look around seeing how beautiful the island was.

Naruto walks around until he noticed a broken down Tower, "what is this?"

Naruto was curious and got closer to it and saw a ladder 🪜

'I wonder what's up there?' Naruto thought as he went up and was surprised to see what was in the tower.

"Wow!" Naruto was amazed by this, this was how he wanted his own hideout to be big and many things he collected and there was a window that had an amazing view of the ocean and to other lands

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"Wow!" Naruto was amazed by this, this was how he wanted his own hideout to be big and many things he collected and there was a window that had an amazing view of the ocean and to other lands.

Apricot came down to the window, "you must be liking this new place too," Naruto said as Apricot was looking up and kept telling.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Naruto asks.

"Oh come on Naruto how come you can't understand me!? I'm trying to tell you that someone up on top of the tower!!" Apricot said as he decided to fly up the stairs.

"Now where are you going now?" Naruto ask as he went up to see someone else was there looking at The view.

"Hey who are..." Naruto when silent as the person turns around, "Alberto?"

"Naruto? So you came, took you long enough after I saw you come to shore," Alberto said as Naruto look surprised.

"Wait you knew I was here?" Naruto said as he took a look back and could see the beach from here.

"Yeah I knew you would come but why are you here?" Alberto asked as he thought did he wanted to see him again?

"It doesn't really matter, I ran away and I'm not going back," Naruto said as he sit down on the floor.

"Really how come?" Alberto asks as he sits down next to him.

"My father found out what I did and he pretty much beat me for it, because of that I decided to run away and find someone you to live with," naruto explains.

"Well, that's... That's horrible," Alberto said as Naruto looked at him.

"Yeah it is horrible and it's not fair but you or someone else could say life isn't fair," naruto said as Alberto just looks at him for a moment.

"Well that is still not fair, it's all my fault if I..." Alberto was cut off by Naruto.

"Alberto please don't blame yourself my life has always been like that, they always blame me for something and always think I'm a bad kid," Naruto said as Alberto was shocked to hear that.

"I mean seriously everyone in my village thinks I'm some monster or demon but I'm not everyone's just been cruel to me and well when it comes to you, you might be a sea monster but you really are not an actual monster honestly you do seem nice," Naruto said as Alberto was shocked hearing someone say that about him.

'Does he really understand me?' Alberto thought as he couldn't stop looking at Naruto.

"Please let's stop talking about all those bad things, so is this like your little hideout or club or somewhere you just hang out?" Naruto asks.

"Oh no, me and my dad live here but he isn't around all that much so I just do what I want," Alberto explain as he wasn't going to tell him the truth about his dad at least not yet.

"I see, well what do you usually do around here?" Naruto asks.

"So many things that you land monsters do up here," Alberto said as Naruto looked confused.

"Did you just call me a land monster?" Naruto ask as he didn't expect that.

"You humans called us sea monster and we Sea monster called you land monsters," Alberto explain.

"Oh really then what do we land monsters do up here then?" Naruto asks.

"Well for starters gravity," Alberto said as he went to the edge of the Tower and jump, "also known as FAAAALLING!!!"

"ALBERTO!!" Naruto got up and look down to see Alberto on the ground.

"I'm okay!" Alberto said.

"Thank goodness," Naruto said as he felt relief knowing he was not dead from that fall.

Back at Konoha

Minato and kushina went to see naruto as it had now been a couple of days since he was grounded.

"I honestly cannot believe I said that to Naruto," Minato said looking ashamed at himself.

"You were only doing thinking what was right beside I'm sure he'll forgive you," kushina said As they were at Naruto's door.

"Yeah but... I honestly didn't mean to it was... I need to apologize for me," Minato said as he open the door.

And who do they find there no one?

"HE'S GONE AGAIN!!!" Minato yelled as he thought Naruto wouldn't dare to leave the room.

To be continuum

So how do you guys think Naruto's parents are going to take this now when they find out he's gone and when I mean gone I mean he has truly left the village.

As well what do you think about the friendship between Alberto and Naruto?

They're not lovers just yet right now though just be friends but soon that will change.

Also, what do you think about the animal sidekicks I gave Naruto?

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